If you use an agent once here, your husband will get the retirement o visa and you can be dependant on his. But you need your marriage certificate translated and stamped in Thai embassy Bangkok.
yes, I was actually 49 when I got the dependant visa, jumping onto my husbands retirement visa, we are both Australian, an agency can help you set it up.
If you are a dependant on your husbands visa, your husband only needs the 800,000 baht in the bank, make sure you have your marriage certificate, the original. 👍
Yes get the visa from Australia, go onto the Thai embassy site in Australia, you can fill out the application form and then send in your passport, they will send it back with your visa inside. Then you extend it in Thailand.
I'm Australian, come in on the 90 day like you said you will do and just booked the cheapest flight out which at the time was to Singapore. Worked great. Before the 90 days was up, I opened a bank account, had a rental agreement residential certificate, and got the retirement visa. 👍
I'm living abroad now so yes I have to return for 2 years. My father went back and they gave him the pension straight away but he has to reside in Australia for 2 years. Then he can come back to Thailand.
social security in Australia will say different,aybe get your accountant to check it out, I have worked 30 years in Australia, moved to Thailand now but still have to go back and live for 2 years to get my pension. It's sucks.