Liam ********
This is a summary of
Liam ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 4 questions and added 20 comments.



Liam *********
@Tod ********
Ahh ok, I remember I had a queue number before and I went to the normal counter and told them I had an appointment but got given a ticket still. Maybe it's better now
Liam *********
@Tod ********
You have to explicitly mention you have an appointment too from memory? Not sure if you tell the guy that gives you the ticket or the actual official?

Not been there for a while but yeah isn't the best organised
Liam *********
@Graham *****
Im in Thailand so applied here, take 13.5 weeks atm with most being 10 even in UK, so don't know how you would receive a new PP in 6 days when they say 10+
Liam *********
@James *******
Thanks least that's peace of mind i don't need to transfer stamps until after I'm back
Liam *********
@James *******
thanks. I will need to show both on departure too right as they stamp my new passport. The old one is invalidated once you apply for a new one and wait 13 weeks from UK for new LOL
Liam *********
@Tod ********
Tourist Visa. Last time when i went at 3pm 2 months ago i was asked for flight tickets prior to even sitting down with the official and it was taken away, today i wasn't explicitly asked because I had included it already and i was asked to sign the flight confirmation. Went 9am this time