Legal ? then we have a different view in what is legal and what is not. either you are a tourist - entry free for 30 days - or you stay longer - then you have to pay a fee. with border hopping you avoid taking your part in financing society. i wouldn’t call that “legal” - for me that’s cheating.
As far as i know you can simple’s buy an elite visa for a specific time. so that would be the legal version of staying in thailand longer than tourist visa allows right ?
I always wonder - whoever tries to cheat their lives through thai laws - would they accept the same by a few hundred thousand people from other countries coming to their homeland ?
Actually the difference between „making holidays“ and „traveling“ is : having plans or not.
Everyone decides for him/herself - i think 5 Star All inclusive Hotels with daily tourist entertainment programm are boring - just go out - 2 kilometer straight ahead - left right left right until you are lost. Then you have a chance for a new experience.