Peter ***********
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Peter ***********
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Peter ***********
Had the same issues for so many years in China they smoke the bacon different also but since most Hams are produced in China that's no more a problem
Peter ***********
Should have a page printed in the Thai language.
Peter ***********
The Astrozenica vaccine can cause bood clots in some younger people and its treatable, 1 in 100,000, apparently.
Peter ***********
I'm an Aussie living in China, I also have property in Thailand, the power outlets are usually the same as the US, the appliances I buy in China a generally these 2 prong flat type. In saying that you can easily buy adapters in Thailand lol their usually made in China. Thai Import duties are all over the place, better to buy in Thailand.
Peter ***********
That comes from China...
Peter ***********
Yes don't bother, you will be ripped. If customs doesn't take it first.
Peter ***********
China has been the same, pure discrimination. Its actually illegal to refuse entry to foreigners however the owner still has the last say. Double standards. Grrrr
Peter ***********
Lol I'm in China have been here since December currently 54 cases in all of China. Suck up that negative news.