Reclining buddha in Bangkok says no foriegners to reduce the spread of Covid-19. Because somehow even though the country's been closed for 3 months, foreigners are still infectious.
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Amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Reclining Buddha in Bangkok has restricted access to foreigners to curb the spread of the virus. This decision has sparked a range of reactions from expatriates and tourists, with some expressing frustration over perceived discrimination, while others reflect on the broader implications for Thailand's tourism industry. Many comments highlighted a sense of frustration over receiving different treatment compared to locals, the impact of such policies on Thailand's appeal as a tourist destination, and concerns about ongoing foreigner-related biases.
as far as he is not a kaek, a chin, a yepoun an arab or a nigro....he shall be categorized as farang....I don't think they have any word for native South Americans
Yes that’s true but always happy to pay not happy with this discrimination it’s not as if we are bringing in the virus we have been here since the start the perception of some is that we are responsible for it
China has been the same, pure discrimination. Its actually illegal to refuse entry to foreigners however the owner still has the last say. Double standards. Grrrr
Daniel *******
Be respectful. This is more about Westerners than Thai people.
Lurcho ********
Their country ,their rules .
As some say and need to learn .
Fit in or fuck off .
Lurcho ********
Joe Iozzi take it too thr complaints dept
Lurcho ********
Joe Iozzi im not trying to be dismissive it’s just reality . You can make your protest if you want .
Lurcho ********
Joe Iozzi now your getting it .
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Lurcho ********
Michael *********
How is this post related to visa advice? Oh, I forgot ... it falls into the catch-all "And Everything Else" after-thought conveniently approved by the OP.
Alan *******
fair point
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Alan *******
John **********
Thai people are inherently xenophobic and entitled!! Rooted in their sanctimonious interpretation of Buddhism, reverence to the monarchy, non colonialism ( dont mention Japanese occupation or Bowman treaty) and overall ignorance of the way the world operates!!
Matt *******
Let them make whatever rules they want. Yea it’s racist but even Japan did that for some restaurants saying “no foreigners” even tho covid-19 could also be spread with local people / Thai people too. It’s stupid. But so are dual prices. It’s only gonna bite them when people still get infected from the community
with all the insults why do you guys love live and stay in Thailand I don’t I am just a casual observer of foreigners who love the place even though they don’t love or respect you but you still hang in there for dear life what’s the mystery would love to know as I am contemplating retiring and exploring the possibilities please enlighten me
I love the place - some racists in govt won't put me off. I just feel Thailand is getting all sorts of credit for staving off this virus that it doesn't deserve. I tell it as I see it - don't mistake that for racism on my part - and I do recommend living here, great weather/food and people etc. Cheers
thanks for the honest review and internal politics are always directed at the most vulnerable I suppose that’s farang get the drift
happens al over the world
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Michael *********
Veronika ********
Dumb fucks
Stuart ******
Let it be blatant for a while. They are following best practices top down. The global scam of covid is quickly being exposed and soon the top down advice will be very different
sure, that makes sense. aren't u the one who saw all the UFO's recently?
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Sammy *******
Alan *******
Truth be known, Thais are the luckiest people on earth. They have no idea what social distancing means and have got away Scot free. Yet they still like to term this a farang virus. Crazy.
I'm worried about giving FB a bad name, they can handle that all by themselves, but sadly it allows nitwits like u a platform. if u have "no problems here" then shut the fuck up with ur idiotic talk. like I said, you could never make it in ur home country, so u think you'd spread your wisdom here. no one wants ur nitwit thoughts here either.
truth be known, it's racist dimwits like you that give expats a bad name. if it's so horrible here, go back to ur home country- but likely, they don't want u either or u cant afford to live there.
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Sammy *******
Peter ********
Maurizio *****
Cedrik *********
😂😂 ah, this is the “freedom” farang talk about in Thailand.
Good move. This Covid-19 , I would rather call a “”traveler’s virus “” it only came into all the countries by travelers who brought it by visiting China and/or Italy ect ...
. Going by your previous comments , you may think I'm right for the wrong reason . Wat Pho is a temple FIRST. I can guarantee you that the vast majority of people that go there are Thais making merit to their belief. That comes first. Tourists can wait.
. What about it. If you want to go on a tangent , let's bring in the clusterfuck going on in your home country if you want to expand on the subject of racism.
I agree with that in principle but is this policy to protect and prevent first? Or has the previous health minister comments played a part in a “disease spreading foreigner” thought process leading to this policy?
. Totally agree with the health minister being a bellend. Overall Thailand has done a good job on the world scale in virus prevention regardless of what that clown says. It's a temporary measure. Won't be forever. So for some people to declare it racist is just total bullshit. Virtually every border on earth is closed to tourists, does that make the whole planet racist?
I don’t see it a specifically a tourist thing more the wording “foreigner”, add that to the fact no tourists have been allowed in for several months and the buses also refusing foreigners and I question the intent more than policy to stop spreading.
. I see that point, I'd prefer to see it as a poor choice of words/ translation. Pretty common here.
A thai language school I went to here used the Union Jack for England and the US flag was "America" . Wars have started over that type of mistake in the past.
Perhaps the sign should have said "Buddhists only"
What does deny someone entry to a temple, or a ride on a bus soly because of their race have to do with racism? Are you that mental or just want to argue about anything?
the person that took the photos also cut off a date. I believe they tried to curb the visitor numbers to allow for social disrancing on specific dates. The person did not understand the Thai part or on purpose took the photo to exclude the date. If you look at the photos, why would they write in English about all the rules if foreigners are excluded for a long time. I think it was for a day or two after lockdown.
not sure either way. But as someone who for 11 years of living here has seen everything from dual pricing to ice cream vendors saying “free samples to Thai only” then the temple notice wouldn’t surprise me one bit.
Maybe it’s cynicism on my part but considering my previous experiences, the experience I recently had at immigration (while with my 8 month pregnant wife) among others I’m starting to not bite my tongue anymore and instead going on a rant.
when did I mention Thai people? Erm where did I say Thai ‘people’ once? Thai government and those in positions of power making these divisive decisions are the issue. If you are happy to be deemed less worthy then you be you, but quite frankly your “don’t like it then go “ rhetoric is pathetic and cowardly.
if you are unhappy you must either work at becoming happy or you must make a change. If you stay unhappy it has got an effect on your whole life. Your post did not say Thai government once. You spoke about dual pricing which is an government (national parks etc) and Thai business issue (items sood for foreigners at a different price), you speak about ice cream vendors which is a Thai people issue not government issue. When I say you must consider leaving it is not rhetoric nor cowardly but a question of unhappiness and the effect it have on people, their life and their relationships. I went through the same type of patch as you about 2 years ago and had to decide if I will work at becoming happy again or leave the country. I choose to stay and work at my/our happiness. The first step I took was to stop complaining about things I do not like and have no control over and cannot change. Goodluck I hope you find happiness again.
if maybe perhaps there was a way in which a government could bring fairness and equality making dual pricing illegal that would solve that issue? (you know, like LAWS).
And I’m not unhappy all the time as you imply, but if I see something unjust then you’d advise just ignoring it? Sounds like you didn’t cure your unhappiness by ignoring genuine issues you just refused to care anymore.
Prozac and lithium would have done the same for you.
dual pricing by government is the law. Dual pricing by Thai people is your choice. If you must pay more for an item than Thai person you have the choice to buy it or not. I choose not to buy it and use my money as power to change not by complaining to other foreigners how unjust the country is.
I care greatly for the country and its people but realised I cannot change it alone. So instead of bashing my head against a wall like you I have learned from the Thais. I have learned patience, learned the concept of giving time for an issue to become clear to me before acting, learned how to live with unjustice without accepting it but still to be happy. The last one I mentioned is the one you must learn. When you see injustice you can either react with anger or can complain to the wrong people about the injustice or can take it up with the person or institution that commited the injustice or you can give up and live with the injustice or you can influence people to bring change or you can live with the injustice and wait for the right time to rectify the injustice. Far from not caring I chose a path of caring for people not issues or injustices. I you take care of people that has been hurt by injustice and fight the injustice in that way.
Reply to
Ron ******************
Zsolt ********
Geez... So I gather that during the lockdown Thais have learned how to speak English? Or why on earth the English text apart from the "no entry for foreigners"?
one of the photos have a date on it which is not showed in full. I think they are only excluding foreigners for a specific time for some reason. Maybe it is due to high volume of visitors after the lockdown and they are trying to keep social distancing going and only allowing Thais in for a specific time. There is no incentive for them to keep the temple closed to foreigners for a long time.
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Ron ******************
Kankaew **********
I'm Thai. Apologize all foreigners about this news. 😱
Well. Mum allways said to know the devil your dealing with. You have the knowledge.
Stephen *********
The entire world is upside down atm. As much as we may not like some things in this country it is not ours. I’m not saying it’s right I’m just saying; so what, you didn’t get to go to a temple today. Stop your crying and go to a different place of worship, or set up your own little space outside your house or room or on your balcony. A temple isn’t needed for worship and prayer. Only pics, of which I have plenty if you want to buy some of my stock footage. Bahahaha
The Thaiger article I read said only government buses. Unfortunately it is the result of the waived 90 day reporting. I think they are scared foreigners have changed address and that they cannot be reached in case a infected person travelled on the bus.
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Ron ******************
Steve *******
Just fucking boycott racist pricing and policies!
Ben *********
Still infectious also remember the price is higher.
Geoff ********
Ohh look at the latest backward joke..
Scott **********
Not thrilled with it, but foreigners are treated reasonably well compared to what happens in many other countries.
only government operared services as you are required to give them an Thai ID number for track and tracing purposes and most foreigners do not have a Thai ID card but if you do have a pink ID card you can use the bus.
yes most foreigners do not have a Thai ID card unless they have the equivalent in residency, but would you want to give them an Thai ID number for track and tracing purposes anyway? I’m happy I don’t have to. And I never will, either.
I’m the same. I’ve been Frank Sinatra a few times when entering malls of late.
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Tom *******
Barry *******
only one company
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Barry *******
Nicky ******
Well, if Thailand thinks that banning, and discriminating foreigners from public transport, venues, and tourist spots, etc is going to help the already hard hit tourism sector they need to rethink their poorly thought out strategy.
If they keep adding nails to it's coffin of discriminatory policies against tourists, nobody will want to visit Thailand anymore, and will choose other countries, which are more welcoming to foreigners who contribute to the economy.
Countries that are not discriminatory to foreigners!
Shame on them! 😡
Addy ***********
Tom *******
Whichever statistics we are going by, it doesn’t really matter. It’s pretty obvious the Thais do not want to lose the hugely successful status it enjoys as a tourist Mecca and all the billions of THB that it brings in. That’s my main point. And you say that Thais don’t care? Ask the high street noodle seller? Ask the vendors on Khaosan Road? Ask the restaurant owners and bar owners in Pattaya or Chiang Mai? I can tell you that they do care, at least the ones who are wholly dependent on them for their livelihoods. And this country will soon fall apart if these worker bees are not kept in work.
only 12% of GDP? Are you nuts? That‘s a huge amount, one that many countries would give their right arm to have right now. Thailand just reported -7% GDP for this quarter so all the help they can get should be snapped up ASAP. Upsetting a significant sector of their tourism revenue streams through discrimination is not the way to go.
well put mate . Summed it up. The world's a big place and adapting at a rapid rate.
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Paul *******
Colin ********
5555555555555555 brilliant some of these posts ,I would guess by 2 week millionaires are hilarious..
5 brilliant some of these posts ,I would guess by 2 week millionaires are hilarious..
Paul *******
On a positive note, my thai girlfriend is stuck on Australia now. Grouse, nothing for her in Thailand to come back to.she does not want to live in Thailand why do you??
Sometimes there is a gem in the sand. Im not a idiot and are very tech savey. Verry happy with my awesome thai girl. 2 years now.
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Paul *******
Alessandro **********
Retarded 🤡 posting "if you don't like go back" in
Jeremy *********
Their did the same for driving licence foreigners had to wait Kai's first I wish my country did this but will you will be called racist and black lives matter would be at protesting but that's right only white people can be racist
Jeremy *********
Ok mate we can ok round and round if your in Thailand next year I buy you a drink. I am but in Australia now . Take care
Jeremy *********
The problem with the apartheid system is I cannot take care of my son he 50% Thai and 50% white.
hi hope your having a nice day. Every time on turn on the TV they talk about white people been racist. In my 20s I was beaten by police in a police station .the way I see it cops don't care if you're black or white they still treat people like s***..but my frist comment was about Thailand making foreigners weight to renew their driving licence they put ties first I have a son in Thailand so I need a valid driving licence to take my son to school what would happen if I had an accident without a valid driving licence.They would put me in jail or it would cost me a lot of money.ok hope you stay safe.
The reason why you’re hearing about white police being racist is because they are killing African Americans at alarming rates. Four years ago my cousin was killed by a cop while waiting for roadside assistance. He’s not the only person I know personally that has been killed by a police officer. So this movement is personal. Sorry the cops beat you up! I hope you stay safe as well!
America was built on division and superiority! Anytime a group of people capture, enslave, abuse, rape and destroy another group of people; they division was already in place. The laws were never created to be equal for each race and that is why you have so many cops killing African Americans and not being convicted. That’s why Black Lives Matter, because they have been getting away with murder for over 400 years. Now it’s coming to an end!
so there's two answers get rid of all white people or having a party system like they used to in South Africa. Which one do you want. Because if it's not working it's not working.
Get out of your gray and return to the Thailand you so love.
Go back to those "honest business people ..." and have "good lasting impressions" for ever, even after kaboom.
Ashton ********
I worked in a salon in London for 10 years... all the local people had their member cards, knew the discounts and special days. When we had a tourist come in for sure they would be charged full price with the top stylist. This happens everywhere Thais are just honest about it 🤣
museums, national parks, or a market that tried to rip me off and 'foreigner' price me. From the last time I was in Thailand this was going on. Easy to just ignore it and smile at them when I leave. Now, it's spreading at the bus stations. The Thai government officials are believing it too along with Cambodia and Vietnam. Vietnam quickly acted against it. Maybe Thailand has to suffer greatly for there greed before they learn from it.
I don’t understand your point. I did say I had to get a speed boat and not go to a museum. Just pointing out that foreigners are treated differently to Thais even before covid.
Unfortunately, what Thailand is doing is hurting the honest business people and sincere friendly people I talked to that left good lasting impressions on me. These impressions want me to return to Thailand. Not if this gets worse. Taiwan is a major upgrade over Thailand. I think Vietnam is too.
I don’t understand why you even commented in the first place but good to know you won’t visit any islands cause you can’t stand paying more than a Thai person
why are you ascribing things to me that aren’t true? I have a Thai wife for that. FYI, I love Thailand. I just don’t believe anyone has to like 100% of anything and, unlike you, I’ve been here long enough to see the changes and they’re mostly downhill. That gives me the right as I’m talking from experience, not from what I read in a Khaosan Road guidebook. How old are you anyway? You look like you’re 15. Run along now and let the grownups talk.
Thank you so much for the compliment but I’m actually 29 years old, I’m married to a Thai who I wouldn’t bad mouth on Facebook and you have no idea how long I have been here. Also khaosan road or places like pissy Pattaya have never had the pleasure of my feet touching them, I stay in the south. Good day dear 😙😙😙😙
no that’s because you’re too busy badmouthing fellow farangs who don‘t agree with you. The funniest part of this farang baiting - “another old bloke who lives in Thailand but fucking hates it“ - is that most if not all of them have lived in the country for decades and have lived through coups, economic downturns, constant changes to longterm visa requirements, droughts and a host of other problems, and so they’re talking from experience, whereas you think you‘re talking from some privileged vantage point which just comes across as hot air. I’ll just call you “kee daut“ cos that’s what you sound like to me. Most of these “old blokes who live in Thailand but fucking hate it,” have probably forgotten more than you'll ever know about Thailand which probably couldn’t cover a postage stamp. Yes you have a nice day now.
all the pricing in the past and present does not bother me. I won't buy. I go to the next seller, store, or use Lazada. The discrimination is rising and beginning to spread. This is my concern.
As it stands Cambodia and Thailand is off my list until they get rid of the money making quarantine scam all in the name of fear of a second wave. Taiwan is looking good and knows how to handle a pandemic properly. 18 Doctors and 2 nurses treating covid cases in Manila are not getting sick by taking virgin coconut oil, 2 tablespoons 2X a day with a little VCO sprayed in each nostril. It works. Patients all over the Philippines are volunteering to join the study. Only Asian countries with close ties to China are playing a similar scam game.
fully agree. Most of what’s going on in Thailand now is, as usual, scam central. Anything to make a few easy bucks while the regular scams are off the table due to the virus (jet skis, fake gold outside temples, police shakedowns etc., etc.)
since my first time here 6 years ago the foreigners price has always been higher for transport, national parks and the like but I still come back like everyone else. We love it here really
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Ashton ********
Pat *****
Bbc have just just run an article about this. Giving the chance for thousands of could be future tourists to read.
Between this and being charged 10 baht more than locals for noodles, I am going to have to seriously consider uprooting my entire life to start over in some other SE Asian country where these kinds of things would never happen. Those countries exist, right?
Alan *******
it's the 10 baht extra for noodles that would put me over the edge
Michael ******
Tainan is like Chiang Mai cost of living wise. Taiwan is the #1 digital nomad country. Thailand #2.
actually, no! No country. Vietnam might be your best bet. If you want democracy, the best democracy in the region with cost of living similar to Thailand then research Taiwan.
yes the high spending chinese.what about the europeans that probably spend twice as much
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Trevor *************
Danny *******
Oh come on, unless you just arrived, and you didn't, you've already seen the reclining Buddha, and if you haven't you didn't really want to very much now did you?
Jefrey *****
Paolo *******
Do you want to understand that we are the spreaders for them?
I always looked at Germans as being sensible; I see I was wrong. I am from the US, we have more than a handful. Some large % believe that the sun revolves around the earth.
Why do idiots from so many countries move to Thailand? Is it to flaunt their ignorance?
Oh stupidity can be found everywhere 🙂 never forget - Switzerland had countrywide right for women to go to elections in the 1990ies - not before 🙂 I saw a documentary where they said basically - in times of crisis people tend to look for easy solutions.
it was just a false flag operation what happened in America to incite the violence and distract from the weakening corona virus.
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Dirk *********
Michael ******
Hopefully the UN notices and takes some action. Vietnam was quick to stop discrimination against foreigners to protect 'the tourist image'. Vietnam was wise. Thailand is still stupid.
UN has nothing to do with it, commercial discrimination isn't a human rights violation. Vietnam has outlawed race discrimination for many years, which is one of the things I like about the country.
It's just a question. The reason I ask is because the Thai government has made pretty sweeping statements about foreigners (not the Chinese of course), yet as far as I know, there hasn't been a single documented case of a foreigner having/spreading Covid-19 in Thailand. I'm sure that in actuality there has been many non-Thai's who have spread the virus, but look at how many Thais and Burmese went home on packed buses when curfew came around. When you haven't even tested 1% of the local population but are blaming foreigners as the primary source for spreading it, THAT is just silly.
I don't which is why I was asking. It was legitimately a question. As far as I know all the "documented" cases have come from Taiwan/Hong Kong/Mainland China.