Carla ***********
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Carla ***********
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Carla ***********
@Bobby *******
yup spelling isn't my best quality 😂😂🤣🤣
Carla ***********
@Lindsey *********
I think all the nearest boarders arnt opening up still 🙄😏xx
Carla ***********
@Tod ********
yes your post is confusing and others comments I think are are for non 0 but what about us with non b visas we can't stamp inside thailand ....or did immigration yet you 🤔 please explain
Carla ***********
Really. I have tried and tried to send money from my Krungsri Thai bank account to my UK HSBC. It will not let me. Says transferewise only works sending money in not out of Thailand yet
Carla ***********
Call up there immigration office first. I went back on the 15th April when my second 15 day stamp was due and they told me to call up first as they are back logged. There will be a number you have that they will ask for on the phone and if your numbers ready they will say to come in. Mine was due 15th April I call every few days with the number I have on my stamp they say not yet call back in a few days.

Really confusing TBH.