Kim ***********
This is a summary of
Kim ***********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 36 comments.


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Kim ***********
@Fred **********
one of my favourite places, it really is a beautiful place isn't it? Have stayed there many times on our visits.
Kim ***********
Waiting for things to be easier, hopefully mid year.
Kim ***********
@Leighton *******
Yes. It is a perfect solution. Shame, I didn't realise their borders were still closed.
Kim ***********
@Leighton *******
exactly how I felt. I simply couldn't be bothered with it and given how easy and cheap it was to travel to a neighbouring country, well, we just did that. Of course this was pre Covid. I do remember that it only cost me $38 AU to fly from CM across to KL. So cheap and easy.
Kim ***********
@Leighton *******
I'm Australian and we could only ever gets 30 day visa exemption. We could possibly tried to extend it, but it was easier and more fun to jump across to a neighbouring country, so we used to visit Cambodia and Malaysia then return for another 30 days. Have done this over and over.
Kim ***********
Not sure if things have changed but you used to require POOT before the 30th day of your stay. Proof of Onward Travel.We have been asked for this on previous trips.
Kim ***********
No advice, but boy, do I feel sorry for you guys. Best wishes, hope you get there somehow.
Kim ***********
Can you support the hill tribes in some other way?