At this age it is not a question of which is the best but which will accept you and is a genuine insurance company , keeping in mind premiums would be sky high
Forget wasting time on lawyers or anything else. Send a message to agent and give a deadline , if not fixed by landlord , you will replace yourself and deduct it from the rent . New one is 2000 baht and can get cheaper on lazada for 1600, installation 600-800 baht . So put in the notice if not fixed by such and such date , you will replace yourself and deduct 3000 baht from the rent .
File a complaint with OCPB. There is no quick resolution. Police will not take any action. Either court or OCPB, both can take up to 6 months . Write a registered letter with your desired outcome and a deadline . If they fail to comply, open case with OCPB. Asking for a new laptop will not be reasonable as yours is used and also broken . Ask for same specs used one or the amount to buy a used one of the same specs
Some people are just drama queens. You asked to stay 3 months and got a discount. Signed or not, you yourself confirmed you had an agreement.Now you changed your mind and why should business lose money ? They are not breeding mosquitos to eat you alive. Simple solution buy the electric plug, 100 baht and mosquito problem solved. They offered you a letter, but for whatever reason you do not like it , again your problem not theirs
What you need is a letter unfit to fly/ travel and take it to immigration . Letter may state unfit to fly for xx days . Take that to immigration to get extension
You can call them and ask for extension , customer service speaks good English . Can get 7-14 days extension. They no longer come out to cut off but done remotely by computer so it could be 3 days late or 5. Best to call and ask for extension
The new law,, fines up to 40 000 and jail up to 3 years ( from memory ) if you intentionally kill. In your case Sounds like a genuine accident . It is not surprising reading idiotic comments from all the idiots most of whom not only do not live in Thailand but have any compassion what so ever. As a human being , which you appear to be , offering to pay half or some of vet bills is sufficient enough from legal and from moral point of you. If other guy wants more than that, tell him to take you to court. Note police will not take any action Neither will the courts. Pay directly to hospital and keep the proof. Yes some Thai in this instance would try to extort money , but all it is , is an attempt to extort