Is it possible to open a bank account without a Thai mobile ? Do all banks need apps , I would prefer just to have an account with a card to withdraw/ deposit and pay for goods. I’m not keen on online banking. Very old fashioned I know before I get stick from members. I have uk phone and someone said just to get a Thai sim and put it in. I want to keep uk phone for my other contacts , so where can I get a Thai smart phone reasonably priced and a network sim which I could use separately from my uk phone.
hi Brandon , so will the hotel want to know why I’ve registered at new address before checking out? I’m just worried I upset some sort of process at immigration. I intend to go for my retirement visa in October after I’m settled in new condo . Thanks for responding
i have been staying in hotel which is paid until the end of September. I have taken a condo with 12 month lease but I wanted it earlier so I could get it prepared. Will immigration be bothered that I am registered at two addresses overlapping 10 days until end of month. Agent will not budge on registering me later , I kinda understand they want to keep themselves right in law. However will it affect me? I paid a lot for the hotel so don’t want to lose the luxury for 10 days .
thanks , have you actually used them , I had heard on other sites that airline can be a bit funny if it’s not an actual ticket. I’m just a bit nervous in case I get refused at check in , thanks