Samruay ********
This is a summary of
Samruay ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 11 comments.



Samruay *********
What is this community vote going to change about the threats?
Samruay *********
@Tod ********
I can only advise people who use Buriram immigration to register on their website. Then you will receive this kind of news by email.
Samruay *********
There are 2 immigration offices in Buriram, here you can see the new office and there is 1 more behind the Buriram football stadium.
Samruay *********
Did mine online last week, had no problem at all.
Samruay *********
@Tod ********
"the balance was back at 800k baht the same day that it when down below it" Yes,immediately.The woman in the bank had misread a number.She immediately refunded an amount, but of course you can see in my bank book that I have gone below the amount of 800k.
Samruay *********
@Tod ********
No, no paper. But they're just asking that you show an update on your next 90-day report.
Samruay *********
Maybe a copy of all the pages in your passport?
Samruay *********
A Residence Certificate is an official letter from the Thailand immigration office stating that you actually reside in the address you claim to live in.
Samruay *********
@Ellie ******
Yes, the day I got my new extension I was told that already.