Leon ********
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Leon ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 8 comments.


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Leon ********
@Andrew ********
well if you state what you do; would you regard household insurance, vehicle insurance, disability insurance, super annuiation etc as a scam ? Like you said ; you are an Ex Broker. Figures.
Leon ********
@Andrew ********
Andrew i dont agree. Im an Insurance Broker now for 43 years. In the last 22 months i have had 3 MAJOR surgeries that would have set back the average person for a while to come. Living in South Africa with a 3rd world black government it might have had very negative outcomes if i had to be treated in any government hospital etc. For us its imperitave to have private medical care which is FAR more expensive than Thailand. Your approach might be feasible if you have years of saving behind you to back up medical costs. Most people dont. Lets say you self fund and in the 1st month you have a car prang and you need back surgery? Risk is too high and could change your life from financial comfort to one of utter financial misery. You guys are priviledged to still have your SUPER to provide for retirement but of course we dont.
Leon ********
@Gregory ******
that is really not a wise or intelligent approach. You ever needed cancer treatment? Had a heart attack? Had a stroke? I can assure you that if you are not part of a baby to grave system like AUS, NZ, UK etc. where the population is cotton woolled with state provided medical care and schooling , you are doomed without med insurance in most countries.
Leon ********
@Joe *******
buddy, i promise you. Look at the odds . Do not let any female input affect your thinking. It will cost you dearly. Please protect yourself. Of course you should have initiative. But on your own known terms. Do what you know and are familiar with. Let that guide you. Talk to most people on this forum and they will agree. We have to look out for each other. Remember, at the end of the day; you are just another " FARANG " !
Leon ********
You are going to lose your money. Dont be led by emotion. Ignore my advice. Pay the price. Start a business in another 1st world country. Ea Aus or NZ . Take monthly income and live in Thailand. Retain your share and not be deceived. You will have your shareholding left when you sell. Do NOT be STUPID.