800000 thb rule

Showing 4 questions

This page displays all the results for the 800,000 THB Rule tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 4 questions that have been tagged with 800,000 THB Rule. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
May 12, 2024
7 months ago
At what date can the 800,000 THB start to be withdrawn down to 400,000 THB?

I know that it's 3 months, but is that 90 days from 15 of Feb, or is that 3 calendar months March, April & May and the money can be dipped into from the 1st of June?

Thanks in advance.
Apr 4, 2023
2 years ago
Steve *******
Hoping someone may be able to help. I have the 800,000 in a bank account which will just sit there for immigration purposes. At the moment it is in a savings account. I would like to move to a fixed account which will give a little more interest. The account would be at the same bank. But I am a little concerned as to how immigration would veiw this. If they see it as withdrawing all the money from the account it could mess up my next extension. Does anyone have experience of this.
Jan 14, 2021
4 years ago
Steve *******
I have a retirement multi entry visa. After renewing , how long do I have to maintain the 800 k in my bank ? I think I can reduce it but need to maintain 400 k before increasing back to 800 for the next renewal . Please advise
Nov 12, 2020
4 years ago
Neil **********
i have renewed my Thai visa o-immigrant on August 12 , 2020 for one year till 2021. i had the required 800000 in the bank in January even though i know it is required 2 months before and 3 months after! which it should be till November 12th . my question is do it still keep 800000 till after the 12th of November a day or 2 or wait till December 1st to withdraw keeping it at 400000 till next year which i will put back the extra 400000 keeping it at 800000.

i didn't Know if it was the exact day of the month, or month to month! i know this sounds pretty like a pretty stupid question, but i would appreciate your advice!

thanks again

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