Moca ********
This is a summary of
Moca ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 7 comments.



Moca *********
Thank you
@Garrett **********
for your useful report. It's funny that while I was reading your post I imagined you as the usual expat in his seventies, with beer belly and dead eyes, wandering in the office with his 50y Thai wife. I was surprise to see your young face. People working in offices in every part of the world just want pass the day without problems. They have to ask you to follow some rules and rightly they don't care if the rules don't make sense in every situation. They didn't made the rules nor have the power to change. So, my suggestion is until you are still young and your brain is still agile try to understand the situation and act accordinly, you will have time in the future to be a
Moca *********
If it's implemented this means : if you live in Bangkok and you do a trip to Chiang Mai (for more than 24h) you have to notify to Chaing mai police( art.37) and the Hotel too ha to notify (art38, TM30) then when you go back home your landlord has to notify.
Moca *********
my question is: are there report if this law has been enforced? If yes, which are the consequences if I don't report.
Moca *********
This is about to notify in person to the police (or immigration) office of the province where you traveled, if you stay there more than 24h
Moca *********
I would like to point out that this not about to notify when you come back to your house (article 38, tm30) which has been widely spoken.