Russell ********
This is a summary of
Russell ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 5 questions and added 13 comments.



Russell *********
Russell *********
Katherine, not overstating, and I certainly hope not the case...but we'll well I guess
Russell *********
I know some police here... So waiting to take action.
Russell *********'s conveniently in Bangkok...
Russell *********
Yeah...poor girl seemed a little clueless though. She couldn't possibly have processed all the relevant stamps in my passport by the time she just picked up the exempt stamper and went to town...:-\
Russell *********
Got my Vietnam visa at the site below late last year for a trip in January. Paid nothing upon arrival in HCMC, walked right up to immigration with passport and printed visa and was stamped in.


Note: I'm a US citizen and passport holder.