John *********
This is a summary of
John *********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 34 comments.



John **********
@Michael *****
We'll watch to see what happens over the next yr or so. In that time our house price will increase and my wife just started her new career and is making an extremely good income for someone that's new to Canada so it's only fair I let my wife enjoy it and bank her money 💰 so when we do move things may be more settled and we'll be even more comfortable when we land
John **********
I will say this much, my thai wife and I were planning on moving to Thailand next February and have since changed our minds

This past weekend we met up with another couple who was going to move next year as well and they also changed minds

Between this and the DTV visa and all the abusers we are seeing this is going to end up with people that actually have money ,not going or leaving and the the younger gen's on DTV's with no money savings wise or pensions to keep money coming in , not spending like the retired

Most DTV holders are scraping by in their countries and making the move basically to survive and have fun .

Most online careers don't last 20-30 years and alot will be replaced by AI , then what ? Broke , stuck in Thailand with no money and no future income to support them in life... this is going to come crashing down on the Thai government in years to come .

It's basically just like years ago when there weren't many rules and lots of people moved there and became Thailand's medical headache and homeless as thet ran out of money , history repeating itself

This was purely about the hotel and rental owners complaining the market was down ...short term fix ... expats were and are the long time solutions for the most part
John **********
I've been using Western Union and transfered one bank account to another of my bank accounts and they charged me $1.99 .. if I send for pick up it's considerably more
John **********
@Elías *******
something to consider for the younger crowd ...

Those of you trying to be influencers online ,and making some income , will be short lived

One day you're going to realize it did not last play out and then realize you wasted all those valuable younger years when you could of been actually following a career path with an end game for retirement

Younger days is where you need to make it happen and get into a long term career path because influencing, as I said ,will be short lived and then you'll find yourself in Thailand with no good source of reliable income for the future ...a bad place to end up in the circle of life
John **********
@Ivan ***********
mostly those are the expats that have been there for years when the requirements were relaxed .

There are alot there that struggle but most that are applying now did fairly well and owned properties worth considerable values

I think we may see the retirement visa slow down now as most are looking at how much money they may be taxed on and the amount of new loopholes and hoops they will have to jump through to try to retain their money

The DTV will flop in the long run , watch and Thai govt will have to figure out how to clean up the mess ... its going to be interesting to watch
John **********
@Ivan ***********
, a lot of retires still have monthly company pension income payments that remains for the REST of their lives and actually increases yearly and in some cases its more than most DTV visa holders income .... just depends on what their career was
John **********
@Carlos *******
young people do not have money for the most part and alot of the old people actually do .

Retired will spend far more money in Thailand than the younger crowd that has limited funds

Sure there are old people with no money, primarily ones that moved there years ago because they couldnt survive in their own countries due to lack of retirement planning ,but most newer retired have money and fairly well off

Younger people are going there for the party and it's cheaper to live compared to their own countries where they scrape by
John **********
@Andy ***********
but they are catering to people that really do not have alot of funds . Retired people have far more money in alot of cases in comparison and spend more more money than most DTV applicants ... typical Thai not looking at the big picture and going on the fly , this will backfire
John **********
I use Western Union , if I transfer bank account to bank account the fee is $1.99 Canadian
John **********
One thing to remember when buying , you need to read the fine print

There is in & out and most people will buy the in patient only thinking of something major ie : operation and they will be covered but take cancer for example , the majority is out patient ...

All diagnostics , Dr visits , chemo , radiation, pretty much most of cancer is out patient but if you require surgery that would be covered as in patient but not the continuous follow up care .

Rounds of treatment where you attend the hospital for a few hours then go home so be careful choosing and read the fine print and ask lots of questions