Jonny ********
This is a summary of
Jonny ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 14 comments.



Jonny *********
@Klee *************
Not even close to most expensive, New Zealand charging 2000NZD or about 1250 USD
Jonny *********
Anonymous participant sorry, kinda chatting over your post - looks like we are after same info though? I will share anything I find
Jonny *********
Thanks, I must have missed them, been following for a week or so. Time to scroll through
Jonny *********
Yes, definitely, currently on holiday in Thailand but fly back to NZ for work soon. Will detour on way back I think best. Thanks
Jonny *********
@Andi **********
be so good to hear, I have not seen anyone confirm this sponsorship process successfully yet? Can you please tag a post?
Jonny *********
Anonymous participant same situation here. Will be interesting to hear response
Jonny *********
@Seb *******
and there will be three of us, so it is an extra approx 850 USD three times 💰🔥
Jonny *********
thanks, good to hear positive feedback on experiences and where.
Jonny *********
thanks appreciate the reminder, yes been looking at each embassies requirements.