Ryan ****
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Ryan ****
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Ryan ****
@Peter ********
you still require a trustee in the company in which 51% belongs to a thai individual.
Ryan ****
@Bruce ***
you can go to the IO then share your outcome,because it seems like you are a duck that doesnt take in what people tells you.

So why seek advice?
Ryan ****
For TM30 the property owner is legally required to file for you if you are officially residing there, and if the unit is rented by your friend, will have to seek assistance from landlord to file the TM30.
Ryan ****
@Brook *******
guy seems abit high no wonder he has visa issues, after reading the post 5 times i still catch nothing.

OP should just use an agent , end of story
Ryan ****
@Nongnuch *******
at least not for ChaengWattana IO, just gotten my visa there last week.
Ryan ****
short answer only account under your sole name , as per written definition
Ryan ****
the basis is the cash has to be liquid in the event emergency happens to applicant.

however like some others mentioned , it depends on the requirements of the embassy.