I think he should be grateful he is coming back to sunny Thailand. The opportunities for running his own barber shop here are plentiful. Also, new laws surrounding plant medicine are in his favor. Blunts & Barbers Bangkok coming soon!!!
Ccl Cyl Yeah, I guess it depends if it is an International School, Public School, or Private School - the three different kinds of schools. Some of the private schools I don't think want to pay for one so that is how some of the more dodgy teachers get in.
Ccl Cyl I don't think so... I worked at a school and didn't have to do anything like that. They may do it in the US but NOT here. But depending on what he did, I don't think he should be teaching at a school.
Get a good massage, aromatherapy, and energy healing session. Witnessing trauma in others can be traumatic for us as well. Practice good self-care for your emotional and spiritual health.