I am going through a similar process shortly. I have a work permit through my company that I recently sold my shares of. So will cancel my work permit and visa and get DTV. Difference is the job I had for the company is different to the job I will apply for DTV with as I work remotely in an unrelated job. I never thought they may question why I cancelled a work permit to get DTV but it’s all legitimate so guess I will have to just cross my fingers.
Owning a company and signing as director as far as I know still requires a work permit. In reality the chances of getting ‘caught’ and prosecuted for signing business documents without a work permit is extremely slim. But people always ask about the official legal stance and that’s what it is.
If you have a business visa I think there is very limited scope for some work related activities like attending seminars. But that doesn’t include DTV.
You can be a shareholder. But if you are a director who needs to sign on behalf of the company (other than setting up) then you need a work permit. You could setup the company so that any director can authorise company documents and have your partner as a director also. But if you need to sign then Technically you need a work permit if you sign the documents within Thailand.
Also depending on the location be wary of doing anything that could be considered work. Motorcycle taxis in Pattaya go around photographing known foreign owners of small businesses just so the immigration police can come and fine you later.
you shouldn’t be a director. A foreign director of a Thai company requires a work permit officially to be able to sign documents on behalf of the company if you are in Thailand. You could claim the documents were signed while you were outside Thailand. The likelihood of someone pulling you up for this is slim however. Work permit related matters usually is only if you are on the premises pulling a pint or making a coffee for example.