If you get problems like this, I would just include another bank account where you have lots of things going in and out and add that to your paperwork as well as your savings account. Give them as much people as possible to confuse themselves with.
At the end of the day they should only be looking for the amount or total amounts across the banks, and that you have sufficient evidence of liquid funds. Make sure you mention it is not a fixed term deposit interest account,
I would think the Bank Transfer’s would cost less for the simple fact that you get a better exchange rate if you transfer into a Thai bank and make sure the thai bank does the exchange
OK, thanks for the reply that’s fantastic I was just wondering if You will have to carry a piece of paper with you for five years or if you’ll get a stamp somehow
I suppose we really need to know if a soft visa it looks different to a nomad visa? Or has anything written on it that is different for the immigration to question
It has to be a registered training school and they should have the correct certificates. If they cannot do it, I would cancel it and go with one of the three big names above