Erik **********
This is a summary of
Erik **********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 55 comments.



Erik ***********
61 is really early to retire so congratulations. But for my self I wanna work untill I'm at least 75 years 😁
Erik ***********
I went to chang wattana 2 days ago for my 90 days but didnt fill out a tm 30 when I entered Thailand last time in the end of September. They never even said anything 2 days ago about not reporting my address within 24 hours after entering Thailand and just gave me a recipe for my 90 days 😁
Erik ***********
Strange, since my extension has a number in my passport and I usually write that on it.
Erik ***********
@Tod ********
yeah, I have the same premium lane card but hope it will work. But I wonder if it might not work that specific day so let's see what I'll do.
Erik ***********
@Robert ******
well, to go to chang wattana is not anything I enjoy doing. It takes half a day just to go there 🙈🙉🙊
Erik ***********
But if you go threw premium lane how do you do than? Since security screening and passport are right after each other and nothing in between?
Erik ***********
@David ***********
check my other answer but yes, I would never habe any problem with my wifes parents loosing their faces and yes I wish Thailand would adopt more western standards and stop living like we did during the 1700-1800th.
Erik ***********
@Robert ******
well, the bride and groom gets money gifts from all the guests. At least 1000 baht/person so for me and my wife we got more money back from the guest than the wedding cost with 300 guests in Bangkok. And my wifes parents went out official and said they didnt ask for any sinsod. Usully it is only cheap low educated people from the countryside that asks for sinsod these days. And yes, I said to my wifes parents I would never ever pay sinsod because it is just like buying my wife from her parents and I would never do that ever.
Erik ***********
@David ***********
Let them lose face than. Thai people have to learn todays common policy and so many things in Thailand are things that the western world did 50-100 years ago.