how do you know your communication is with a human? How do you know if the aledged human is not intentionally posting false information to facilitate an agenda. Google will at the minimum provide the government website that will have the true information. The problem is that people are lazy and want immediate answers.
I wouldn't but that's up to you. Of course any information deceminated by members of this group can be flawed and incorrect. So there is that. Good luck.
I was getting scared. What took you so long to respond? Wasting the air you breath ? Trying to be clever I think. It is not your strongest suit. Technically I expell CO2. So since you don't metabolize CO2 the air you breathe is not wasted by myself. Actually the CO2 I exhale is utilized by green plants as food with a by product of O2 and Nitrogen. It is called photosynthesis. Google it!!!
I have plenty of comments to waste. Come to think of it you wasted a comment making a comment on me wasting a comment. I hope we do not run out of comments. Maybe reevaluate you Soy Milk intake