Patrick ********
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Patrick ********
@Steve *********
Definitely I picked up on that 🤣🤣🤣

It’s actually quit sad in a lot of ways that people do get taken for the entire life savings from a lot of these scams.

There is actually a handbook for the lady’s to know how to play their mark.

Heaps of these lost souls literally end up in the gutter and deported because of overstays back to a special pice of hell back in the very same countries they were running away from. Welcomed back home “parties” with condescending relatives who just say “ I told you so “ or “ saw that coming “ then the depression really begins. This is the real unseen and not talked about results of these scams.

It’s not that I’m discouraging relationships it’s just please people do some research on the basics. If one wants to make the big commitment then do the research and talk to a lawyer.

I heard heaps of stories like this because from the toilet in my apartment I had in Bangkok I had a heap of girls living on my floor. They would meet in the hallway sometime more than 5 just calling all these guys everywhere with all the excuses. They were in the hall because they wouldn’t smoke in their rooms but chain smoke, drink, make phone calls asking for money from what it seemed like every contact in their phones. Once a week they would throw away all the flowers they got from their admirers. Wasn’t easy to miss like two full size garage cans overflowing with these flowers. I did see and read some of the cards because once it’s in the trash it’s no longer private property. All the cards had different names from sooo many men and sometimes even woman. Was like a “Boiler Room” or a “Boiler Hallway” and my toilet window faced the hallway and since most of the hall was made of concrete and tiles sound carries. I would spend literally hours listening and this was usually started Monday night and went to Friday night. Weekends and some weeknights were for work. It was something else and I had to walk by multiple times a day they would be having some kind of cook outs with top quality food and alcohol. With desktops and laptops. They were very calculating usually starting at 10-30k depending on how vetted the “mark” it was on !

It was something else. This wasn’t a win off for them it was their “job” I will give credit for the work ethic.

That’s why I would be very weary of starting anything seriously. Other than being in the “Friend Zone”

Actually I tell them that.
Patrick ********
@Steve *********
I can understand people being more positive aspect 🤔what’s wrong with Chang tank tops ? I personally like the whole collection of tank tops or singles not just stick to the Chang one 🧐

99 Baht breakfasts 🍳 can be hit or miss

The trolling Facebook being drunk all day is without a doubt a problem. Alcoholism is a massive problem in the expat community. Usually caused by drama or broken hearts.

Just stay clear of the drama, broken heart then broke I find it best not to get to serious with matters of the heart.

Just have fun and enjoy Thailand.

Always disclose this intention at the start I have found is best
Patrick ********
From the information that has been presented to Thailand frequent visitors is that the end of the 2ed quarter beginning of 3ed quarter of 2021 by then I would say traveling in general should be more easier.
Patrick ********
I have just read some new articles is that there is lots of conflicting information.

Some provinces are saying they don’t want to open up to tourists because the hotel owners are lobbing for a bailout package rather than get foreigners back. The unemployment rate is starting to come up with 2,5 million jobs directly related to the tourism sector are to be lost if the mass tourism doesn’t open by the end of the year. 1,5 million are still expected to have their jobs?

Then there is the knockdown economic effect with all industry across the board within the economy.

There were many different examples of the knockdown effect but it was stated that at the end of the 2ed quarter of 2021 tourism could be opened again for normal for foreigners with vaccines.

With regards to the limited numbers of tourist coming from Australia and New Zealand have been sited for participants in the long stay program?

The last news I saw on both of those countries is that their boarders are also closed.

A couple of things for sure is that the experience won’t be the same as before and posting bad reviews of any tourism venue on any travel site can land you in jail just happened to a American Expatriate who vacationing on Koh Chang 🧐

Part of the new normal is that every review must be 5 stars 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Good luck and keep us all posted
Patrick ********
@Bobby *******
A great part of this particular site is sharing and discussing information.

As far the statistics are concerned there is too much information out there that still needs to be collected and processed.

You absolutely correct that Thailand is for sure on top of the medical industry pioneers of new medicine and masters of older medicine that I’m more than confident that Thailand will have their own vaccine before other “developed” countries in the world. Thailand is a lot of things but third world Thailand is not.

If the people of Phuket you sited don’t want international tourism back until they feel safe I’m more than ok with that it’s their choice.

For sure people will cheat. I saw other media reports that people from neighboring countries are sneaking back in for economic reasons. Yes people will fall through the cracks without a doubt.

I saw another member of the group predicted that a opening in February or March next year is a realistic timeframe.

All we can do is take it a day at a time, be optimistic and take care of ourselves.
Patrick ********
@Bobby *******
Yes I got the reply’s mixed up. Sorry for the confusion.