employment contracts

Showing 4 questions

This page displays all the results for the Employment Contracts tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 4 questions that have been tagged with Employment Contracts. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
August 26, 2024
a month ago
My employer is a huge company, I am allowed to work remotely, but they can't provide paperwork other than proof of employment (with no mention of remote work). Will that pass in Laos?
July 26, 2024
2 months ago
Sean *********
Hello all, have a couple questions on the DTV if you could indulge me please?

1. Do you know if the employment agreement/contract needs to have a term the length of the visa?

2. How do Americans who work remotely provide an employment agreement/contract? All we get are offer letters generally.

Thanks in advance for your input.
September 25, 2019
5 years ago
Robert *******
Got his nice dilemma asked by private message;

I took a job at a company inside Thailand. The company is managed by a foreigner.

After 4 months I noticed that there are problems in the company and the company does not treat me good enough.

The discussed salary is not enough for me and I decided that the tax payments should not be made out of my salary as by Thai law.

Now I want to leave this company, but part of the contract

we both signed is a one month notice before leave.

Before I started to work they made the Work Permit and I have the Non Immigrant B visa?

As this is Thailand is it okay, to just leave and go do something else?
May 24, 2018
6 years ago
Stephen ************
Hi guys,

I am currently in a delicate situation and I came here seeking advice from you.

Here is my situation:

I have been here in Thailand since last summer on 3 (60-30 day) tourist visas. At the beginning of this year I was looking for a job as an English Teacher and I found one at a government school in Bangkok, which I started beginning of May. The school helped me to attain my 90-day Non-immigrant-B visa (I did the visa run, had the school’s paperwork, had to pay for the visa myself and came back without a problem). I have not received a work permit yet, the school is processing it (I have not paid for it, yet. They said it’s another 4k THB or so).

Now, the work situation at my school has turned out to be way worse than advertised and what they have told me. Long story short, my intention is to leave that school, but to stay in Thailand. And here the issues arise...

According to my contract, I barely have any rights, although the school seems to have all the rights to kick me out or to penalize me for various reasons... They are not breaking anything in the contract (e.g. 25 teaching hours). The only rescission clause states that I can rescind with at least one month notice and still get paid for that month. Now, if you google that, horror stories of teachers not getting paid or having their lives basically becoming horror stories come up in bunches. A lot of people say just to leave the country (and not come back?).

My questions:

- Do you have any experience with rescission from work contracts or these teaching situations?

- I am on the 90day Non-B Visa (not extended to 365 days yet). Is my visa already bound to a work permit? I don’t know if I am on a work permit yet, since I haven’t even paid the fee for it. Also, I don’t know how and when I get the permit…do I just get it from the school?

- In case I am not on a work permit, is my Visa bound to my work contract? What if I just leave the school? Would I be able to stay on my current Non-B visa?

- Most likely scenario: I want to do a visa run and come back on (my 4th) Tourist visa. What’s the best way to do that? Will I get in trouble for having a non-B visa cancelled without having a re-entry?

I am feeling that I might have a way out since it seems like my work permit is not done, yet. Also, quitting teaching contracts in the middle of the contract seems to be quite common….do all these people just flee the country?

I know, quitting a contract in a weird way is not very professional and if this were the U.S., I wouldn’t be afraid to do it the official, legal way. But since I hear a lot of negative experiences dealing with these schools (and my school seems to be that way), I come to you for advice first.

Best wishes, Stephe
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