Ivan *******
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Ivan *******
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Ivan *******
Scoot is Singapore Air's budget carrier and is in the same group...transit in Singapore is easy and convenient in the quarantine transit lounge...no issues with singapore..it ll be Thai requirements that be a pain
Ivan *******
@Robert ******
There are many ways...Have a good day...

...and with that I am closing commenting on this post...🙄🙄🙄
Ivan *******
@Robert ******
Dude..tho ur advice is technically correct, you can be a little nicer...many people are stressed at the moment
Ivan *******
Yes..just wait till tomorrow untill official decree comes out.

My son was born here to 2 western parents. As long as your kid who was born here never leaves thailand..they can stay without a visa...once they depart..at any age...to return they will be treated as a normal westerner under whatever visa conditions are required for ur passport......

Dont stress
Ivan *******
Nikki...just wait till Tuesday s cabinet meeting...there will be some answers there for u
Ivan *******
@Robert ******
not talking @ wp here...my staff r hired seasonally anyway...as are alot of thai staff on the islands...anyway...
Ivan *******
@Joe **********
That is incorrect...u do not need to show any paperwork regarding social security payments or personal income tax if u apply for a non b in penang...
Ivan *******
@Robert ******
yes yes but for the businesses opened seasonally this is a muchore expensive option...u have to pay social security for 4 thai staff year round and pay personal income tax on 50,000 a month for 12 months...unless this has recently changed?
Ivan *******
@Joe **********
Geez...splitting hairs hey? what a pain...interested in hearing from others and their experiences