I believe he's referring to the one year extension and not the non-O visa. You don't need many documents for the Non-O but you do for the one year extension. I have to apply for mine every year in Kanchanaburi immigration and I have to submit roughly 100 documents (2x copies of everything), so he's not far off if he's referring to the one year extension on the Non-O visa.
I live in Kanchanaburi and we have a home visit every year. They'll ring you in advance, come, speak to your partner and witness, they normally want copies of witness ID, sign some papers, take some pictures of you and your partner outside your house with the house number and that's it. Every immigration is a bit different though.
Join the group on Facebook "Expat women with Thai partners". Lots of great advise in there for foreigners with Thai partners, I'm married to a Thai man and have a non-O visa