ok, i will visit the immigration office next time that i’ll be in Thailand, one more question, do you know if i can apply for the extension anytime during the 90 days of the single entry or need to be close to the expiration? E.g. if the day that i enter until the 90 days non imm o single entry visa i go to the immigration and apply for the 1 year extension it will be fine?
yes it’s registered in Thailand. I have all the required documents for the non O application and extension but i want to avoid the cash deposit as i need to transfer the money in my thai bank and it will cost me exchange fee and unfavorable exchange rate especially to transfer it out once the visa is extended as can’t use wise to transfer out
great, last question and i’ll not disturb you anymore! Normally when the extension of stay is submitted you get back your passport with the stamp “visa under consideration” the same day, the day after, or? I know that it is the same process of the extension of non imm B but the HR from the places that i worked for have always handled all the process and i also never been in a rush to have my passport back when i used to work in Thailand