Sometimes I sit here and try to imagine what it must be like to be so thick that you go through your whole life, not even being able to use the language you were born into properly.
It's just astounding that people like you exist and manage to keep on existing.
Tell me what it is like to actually be that stupid?
Because I don't know anyone who is and I'm definitely not. When you think about things, do you also, think of these things in such a thick way with short bursts of 3 words in your head?
Enlighten me. Tell me what it's like to have the brain of an imbecile.
Your first comment was pig ignorant rude. "Can you read" oh, and no question mark either, Your second comment was as if it was written by a 3 year old with your grammar all over the place which, is quite funny coming from someone who barked "can you read" to someone else. 😏