Steve ********
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Steve ********
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Steve ********
I assume most of the 900 were not just one day over so the fine would be much higher, or worse.
Steve ********
@Tod ********
... except I just read a comment above that they are stopping vans heading to the border and arresting over-stayers. So that can be a very risky IF. I prefer not to have the worry of overstaying. I accidentally overstayed 2 days last year because I put the wrong date in my calendar. I was in a panic till I got the next stamp at the border because I was risking a 1-5 year ban. I never want to go through that again.
Steve ********
I have a calendar into which I write all important, and some not-so-important, events as a reminder. I keep the calendar in plain sight next to the computer so I don't forget to look at it.
Steve ********
It is far less comfortable being refused entry and sent back home.
Steve ********
Aussie dollars are fine for me for the bulk of my cash.
Steve ********
Thanks. I am heading back to Australia today and have put 20k baht cash in with my travel documents for my return in a couple of months. It has been a nuisance because, as my girlfriend laughingly said, I am a farang with no money. :) She has been paying all our bills the past few days.
Steve ********
Just a couple of questions regarding your comment. What is considered back-to-back visa? If there is a 2-3 month gap between 6 month METVs would this still be back-to-back? Does the 20k have to be in Thai baht or can it be in equivalent Australian dollars. Last time I entered, I had $15,000 on me but only a few thousand baht left over from my last trip.
Steve ********
I get raged at most days. Currently getting boxed in the stomach for being on my phone instead of playing UNO with her. It's a tough life in Thailand. 555
Steve ********
Not sure having a wife will make your life any easier.
Steve ********
Chris, how do you jump to the back of the queue when the officer has your passport already? Seems like an awkward and suspicious thing to do.