Clifford ********
This is a summary of
Clifford ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 4 questions and added 10 comments.



Clifford *********
Ps the 90 day report, as in person, took just 10 minutes and I didn’t require ANY other documents apart from the form and my passport.
Clifford *********
It’s multiple Tod, unused and good date-wise.
Clifford *********
@Robert ******
my bad, question was rather vague. I’m told there is no Thai Embassy in Ghana and that the nearest is in Nigeria. Also had some anecdotal advice that travel agencies in Thailand can help with some kind of E-visa. The person enquiring is a little fragile and vulnerable so any experience from Ghanaian nationals appreciated!
Clifford *********
Thank you Karan. And he can do this (out/in) the same day?
Clifford *********
It seems to me that the overstay principle is very unpopular here and I agree that it is unwise to use it as an a priori plan to stay, mainly due to the risk of getting involved in a legal dispute between the overstay period and leaving Thailand. From what I have read however, the Thai authorities are not that concerned with overstays of short periods of up to at least 40 days and there seems to be little or no negative ramifications (other than the fine and the risk mentioned above) in doing so until 90 days. Is this correct
@Tod ********