indeed. I lived in the UAE and it was massively popular there to. They brought Brazilian instructors over! Success in UFC and it’s growth in various films like John Wick etc have a big impact.
at the gym I used there were several people, male and female, well over 60 who trained Muay Thai. Not to enter competitions but for health and fitness. Exercises, bag and pad work etc. Great way to keep fit and stay sharp!
There are a lot of martial arts club’s advertising now Gary. Many different styles and objectives. Maybe one of these would be interested in adding you to their list of instructors. I know one very successful British BJJ instructor whose been teaching here successfully for about 10 years. From your profile it looks like you can offer more than TKD. You’re also learning Thai which is very advantageous. Start networking among the martial arts community.
For yourself maybe explore the opportunities to train/teach social worker skills in Thailand? Vocational colleges; training organizations etc. You have relevant qualifications and experience teaching. For you partner try MNCs; Thai companies that export; Thai Chamber of Commerce; universities offering international law courses; and the international law companies operating in Thailand. Good luck!
I knew a British lady who was arrested for being a volunteer with a dog charity. Spent the night in the police station while it was being sorted. Any kind of work, paid or not, physical or not is a no no unless you have the right visa and work permit.
Pava Scotty yep. Behave and do as you’re told or we will put imitations on your children and grand children’s future aspirations. Be a good citizen; or else. Freedoms are being taken away.