John *********
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John *********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 23 comments.


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John *********
@Ian *******
Sylvia is on fb & messenger she helps many ppl with immigration problems, she is not an agent but has over 20 years of

visa experience. hope this helps if you have thai Sim card let me av yr number.
John *********
@Bart *************
will not be cheap my pal had same problem used his son as a pawn to black mail him, some very nasty

women out there.
John *********
@Chris **********
some topics cannot be discussed on this forum but if you wish to chat further hit me up.
John *********
@Chris **********
more guys come back here (Uk) to give their kids a good education than leave here to go be educated in Thailand. Don't believe me

Crack on. I am not here to educate u.

Simply give advice on my personal observations .
John *********
How come anybody can buy a house in the UK it's totally stupid.