Harry ********
This is a summary of
Harry ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 49 comments.



Harry *********
Disregarding the nonsense about 62 baht to the pound ( it’s 46 ) , as a long time visitor and resident of Thailand I can say with confidence that, great place to live , bad place to invest particularly the Thai property market . It’s the easiest thing in the world to buy a property here and the hardest thing to ever sell it except at a loss . Keep your money abroad and use it to fund your Thailand living . Never invest in Thailand
Harry *********
@Steve ******
even in Bangkok not everywhere takes them . My point being why not have at least SOME money on you for emergencies . I always go out with about 1000 baht in smaller notes just in case
Harry *********
@Steve ******
but why ? Surely cash is always quicker and not everywhere lets you pay by scan . Scan is good for purchases over say 300 baht but why not carry small cash for purchases under that ? If you buy an ice cream for 25 baht just put a 20 note and a 5 coin down and away you go
Harry *********
@Stanley *****
so you change at the airport , for that amount you lose cents . Good luck and enjoy Thailand
Harry *********
@Nongnuch *******
are you telling me that the exchange bureaux in the USA are even worse than the Thai airport rates . That sounds most unlikely to me . Some might be but most would not be and anyway , this is not earth shattering amounts of money . How much is he going to lose or gain either way $5?$10? Does it even matter ?
Harry *********
Look here is the correct answer , you find out how much it is then change the money in your own country at one if the thousands of exchange places that offer good rates then when you are in the country you go to SUPERRICH . Clear ?
Harry *********
@Michael *******
if somebody asked you how to jump off a cliff would you tell them or would you say don’t do it like I am . Just because they ask a stupid question that needs correcting doesn’t mean you have to encourage them does it
Harry *********
@Bob *********
ok then why not find out how much this scan is and take enough to pay for it ? Not difficult . This is a nonsense question , common sense should prevail . Nobody in their right mind changes currency at any airport