if ya forgot that window of opportunity, which is up from 15 days before due date but maximum 7 days before due date, you can still visit immigration and report in person
let me rest assure you - you won't find any better rates. SiamExchange offers better rates than Superrich at times (Superrich will only follow suit). Superrich at the Airport basement is 43.70 or 43.65 right now. . . the point however is, if ya don't arrive at the airport but are already in Bangkok, then consider the costs of a taxi ride to the best money changers a profit loss
I guess you wanted to say you paid a 220.- Baht ATM fee. . . . . sadly, the GBP has weakened against the Thai Baht a bit until today. The rates at ATM's are actually the best when you are staying on the islands in the South, so absolutely nothing wrong with you withdrawing at ATM's
ok. However the rules regarding a "change of visa type" did not change in the least. They are pulling this outta their noses. Prolly trying to up the provisions
in Pattaya F.S. Consulting Co. is charging 19.000.- THB for the "change of visa type" to the 90-Days Non-Imm-O and the subsequent 12-months extension, if you have your own funds. All fees included, however I am not sure if this includes a single re-entry permit for the 12-months extension, which will add another 1000.- THB. . . . . Asking you for 70.000.- THB when you got your own funds? Thieves, leaves me speechless
the problem is, you actually cannot make a multi-entry visa invalid. You have to wait until it expires, before an embassy would allow you to apply to a new visa. You cannot hold two different visa at the same time. . . . Neither Immigration nor the Thai Embassy has the right to void an METV any day earlier before it officially expires
you also need to consider timing the date of the yearly applications to a new "retirement extension". Example: If you enter with a Non-Imm-O visa on December 10, the date your extensions end will be March 9 every year - and you must be present for that. . . . in case the embassy refuses to issue a 90-days Non-O visa, because you are on a still valid METV, the earliest date you can enter Thailand with a fresh Non-O visa would be beginning of March. This would shift the date of yearly applications to the 1-year extensions to the beginning of June. You would need your presence in Thailand in the hottest month and probabyl also a very wet month.