My printout was no.3 from the mobile app. A reasonably developed registration system would already have a copy of the lease uploaded, but I assume the paper mill keep people employed.
I guess my Covid-19 haircut (lack of) make me look suspicious 😉
I printed the screen grab, assuming it would suffice as my landlord had provided all additional details when she registered me moving in. Having to guess what the f they want at immigration offices round this country is gonna have me on benzos every time I have to deal with them. Guess I would need to get some f stamps for my contract too, experience from Korat tells me. Edit: it was the landlords power of attorney form that needed tax stamps. Cost me a night extra in Korat as the IO is way out in the sticks
Been trying to understand the part 4.3 in this document; I’m I wrong to interpret that to mean that 800 000 banked bath must indeed have been seasoned for 3 months before application, despite knowledgeable people in this group telling me this rule changed one year ago?
As this is my second extension (though the first using banked money) I though 3 months prior seasoning was the rule. Will check with an IO and report back. Hopefully I got it wrong after all 🙂