No, 3 month non-b. Then obtained a WP. About to go back and get the extension when my employer finally gets the paper work together. All I'm saying is there are loads of variables... Your history, employer, employer's history etc etc, plus the immigration officer's discretion and the direction of the wind and the humidity percentage on the day in Bangkok, can all come into play...
I could send you a photo of the page of my passport showing a non-b stamped in at Chaeng wattana, or you can take my word for it. Don't forget, this is Thailand we're talking about...
Much as I'd love to continue wasting my time commenting on here, I can assure you 100%, I got a non-b at Chaeng wattana. Depending on the company, it IS possible to get a non-b at Chaeng wattana...
Well, I can assure you it was requested when I applied. Not sure why people are arguing with the facts of my situation. I haven't come on here to spout random bullshit