Realina **********
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Realina **********
Yes you can. Make sure your new employer have prepared document needed for your application so they can apply you a visa right on time (immediately) after the previous employer cancel your visa.
Realina **********
Thank you Robert, my bad i have not thought about other option 😊
Realina **********
1. You need to obtain a non-o (retirement) visa from Thai embassy out of Thailand. if you will depart directly from Spain to Thailand i would suggested you to apply it from Thai embassy in Spain. The non-o visa has valid 3 months

2. You and wife enter to Thailand with non-o visa and open a bank account with balance up to 800,000 baht. When the bank balance 800,000- stay up to 2 months then you will be able to apply for a 1 year retirement visa (only the first year you need to show the balance up to 2 months. For next year the visa extension you have to show the balance up to 3 months)
Realina **********
1. I think right now your old visa (taking care of Thai child) still active since you have a re-entry permit that will save the valid of this visa, unless you have cancelled this visa and re-entry permit before you travel out to apply for 3 months non-b

2. Actually with your non-o (taking care of Thai child) you can apply for a work permit.
Realina **********
yeah, it happened twice for my client who applied in India. but we use the same document to apply in another country and everything was fine. I don't know why.