Salman *****
This is a summary of
Salman *****
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 3 questions and added 9 comments.



Salman ******
Tod you have being doing wonderful job for the community. Respect for you valueable advise .

Kudos !
Salman ******
@Benjamin *****
may be the word visa verbally confused them. Officers throughly checked documents at counter L and M both. Application letter clearly mentioned to switch extension of stay from Non B to Non O. Officer at M counter was with oponion no need to cancel at all. Counter L was not ready to extend without a cancalltion stamp from counter M.

Within departments not a clear guidance.
Salman ******
@Tod ********
sharing my personal experience .

You need to cancel Non B extension first from counter M. Requirements for cancallation are

Work permit, passport, DBD updated from employer with closing accounts, last 3 months personal income tax slips, SSC paid proof, letter from employer to switch cancel extension.

Before going to counter M better consult L and clearly discuss what exactly you want. Officers were totally confused whether to cancel Non B first or not. There was a hell confusion between the departments due to which i was overstayed..

Being employer myself i clearly mentioned in application letter that i only want to switch from NON B to Non O and carry on with work permit . They force me to cancel non b which i think was totally non sense
Salman ******
@Tod ********
Thank you

better I should keep money in one account for 2 months πŸ‘πŸΌ
Salman ******
@Bobby *******
Facing difficulties today might lead to easy paths for future. We must think logically. The Book says 400K baht in thai Bank account nothing mentioned about single bank account seasoning.

Thank you for your advise
Salman ******
@Tod ********
Thank you for advice.

I will NOT do that πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ