Juanda ****
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Juanda ****
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Juanda ****
search online you can get 1 year sim data for about 2000-3000 baht for the whole year.
Juanda ****
@Ben ******
yes. i keep myself updated consistently.

thank you for your comments. greatly appreciated
Juanda ****
@Ben ******
christmas island. i heard they are planning. but not officially.

i am in singapore at the moment. i can’t enter thailand at that time. they virtually block all foreigners trying to enter thailand.

singapore has been generous extending my visa till now, i sense it’s generosity in extending my visa is ending soon. so back to AU. to wait out until the day thailand reopens and AU governments lifted the BANS on travelling. then i can retrieve my belongings. and to consider my options. on whether to stay or not in thailand.
Juanda ****
i have a search on Cambodian visa, they don’t issues any tourist visa. unless it‘a long term visa.
Juanda ****
@Ben ******
my thailand visa expiry too while i was outside thailand. now i can only considers traveling to either perth or sydney homeless. never stayed in perth before. anxious.
Juanda ****
@Ben ******
i am not looking at going back to Vic as well. but might have to, stranded outside thailand when i was travelling out thailand with my carry-on hand luggage only. any advice where to go?
Juanda ****
@Bim ******
does he make his Visa for cambodia in the states or Visa on arrivals?

what about Australia passport holder?
Juanda ****
i heard you can travel to Cambodia. need more info on that though. you can search it.