Romain ***
This is a summary of
Romain ***
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 35 comments.



Romain ****
Participant(e) anonyme yes and you post anonymous. Scammer 100%
Romain ****
Scam alert, apply from Thailand is forbidden,
Romain ****
@Farzad ******
you have obviously no idea what digital nomads do 🤣🤣 he’s not traveling for business meetings. He’s hustle working on his computer/phone and can travel around meanwhile 🤣
Romain ****
@Farzad ******
and why not ? I travel from anywhere and is will visit 10 countries next year again while working from all of them..
Romain ****
There is no visa on arrival for eu tourist
Romain ****
@Dylan ****
I would keep a paper copy in my bag and show them the QR code most likely, just in case they ask for the paper but they mostly don’t care. All this will be digital soon with egates and estamps anyway so that doesn’t make any sense.