Just a couple of days ago Mr. Singh at Thai Visa Pattaya told me they are only processing retirement visas at the moment but he thinks everything will get straightened by end of month. He quoted me $1600 USD to do everything. All I need to do is have passport and ID.
correct. Idk if I’d leave for long. Never been so that is a presumption. Is just go home to visit family so I guess it would be prudent to just get international policy for that period. I have a few months to sort things.
I hope around $200-$300 is the average price for a decent policy for a 62 yo with pre-existing conditions. Like I said, I’m not sure if it was an apples to apples comparison. I was driving to a doctors appointment when the Cigna agent called and not able to delve into policy details
any pre existing? I had a CVA stroke a year ago. I got a quote from safety wing for over $650/m at age 62 and I think a quote from Cigna for around $200/m but I haven’t got back with then to see what it would actually cover.
That is probably true as a matter of fact but it is also fact according to SSA that 62 is the age of eligibility, if one can afford to do so and wanted that option. Not trying to be argumentative, just stating what SSA shows on their website
I have opted to take mine early at 62. I get my first deposit in May. It’s not mandatory 67. Anytime after 62nd birthday from what I have been told by SSA
I’m in the U.S. so I’d definitely need to set up a bank account and have monthly deposits. I’d want to pay rent for 6-12 months in advance; hopefully to get a better rate. If it wouldn’t be significant idk why I’d tie up my money. Rather keep it in a bank earning a little something in interest and just draw from that rent account I’d hope to set up. I understand it can be a lengthy process to set up Thai bank account. I have , I presume, plenty of time. Nothing but time. Hopefully plenty😁 Thanks for the info. It really has helped. Now to learn to speak some Thai. Probably the hardest thing I’ll have to do.
I have verification for both SS and pension that puts me over 100k Baht/ m plus I savings on top of that so I’m fine there. No felonies. Passport would be fairly , valid for a few years. Approximately, how long does this process take? Idk what other documents I would need. I’d want to carry health insurance. Any recommendations? Safety Wing is almost $600/m from the quote I got. I’d probably be better off just paying cash for any procedure. I’d have to find out the approximate cost of say a major surgery. I’ve seen videos of minor stuff and a self insure payment would not really be to impactful financially. I have a reoccurring monthly income and some savings so I’m not too worried but I had a stroke a year ago so ya never know.