Rober *******
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Rober *******
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Rober *******
@Ivan ***********
lol, actually yes that interpretation does make sense. But - the OP didn't mention cost was an issue, so the comment could've been simply to get the Elite. Anyway.
Rober *******
@Ivan ***********
well I know the relative prices so I was checking on his claim about saving money somehow.
Rober *******
@Graham *****
literally everyone qualifies via soft power/medical treatment. Someone posted they qualified over simply having a follow up appointment at the doctors.

I qualified similarly (although a once a month elective (cosmetic) treatment over 3 months)
Rober *******
Why wouldn't anybody do DTV instead of border runs is beyond me.
Rober *******
@THAI *****************************
you're the admin so I get you need to put the warnings at the forefront.

Anyway I flew back to the country 2 days ago and was stamped for 6 months.
Rober *******
@Сергей *********
How did you handle this? you could simply leave the country to get the stamp, but it does not mean you need to go back to your home country?
Rober *******
@Lee **********
I was not asked for pages of my passport when I applied online.
Rober *******
@John ******
let's see, schools issuing fake edu visas, consultants somehow getting o visas, providing 'fake' money in the bank statements, people doing back to back land border runs and here years renewing tourist visas? do you think the MoFA cares?

You may ascribe terrible moral failings on this action, but look around you. I'm good.
Rober *******
@John ******
lol it was never a debate. As I said I was mostly going over my head how did I get 'here'. I dislike pointless paper bureaucracy and I will push the limits on it if i can.

I don't care about your argument beyond internet chatter even if you had one. No offense.

Bottom line yes, I don't feel it changes _anything_ about my qualification for the visa (not that there's really much to qualify for), so in my book is a "white lie" that harms nothing and nobody, except save me time and effort.

In the grand scheme of bad things you can do, I sleep very well at night about this.