it was a different embassy however in the application process I was asked for the financial statements twice, on the second time I submitted a screenshot of my currency conversion and it moved to pending approval the next day. Just trying to help.
Yes that is what you need to do. A employer contract to you from you, also include that you are able to work remotely and earn your income from outside of Thailand.
Both Sydney and ACT both 3 months of statements required. If I had my way again I would include whatever your bank balance is on a conversion showing AUD/THB as we had more than enough but was asked for our bank statement again.
If you’re in your own country I would use your DL, rates notice or electricity bill. If not your entry stamp and perhaps a receipt of your hotel accommodation.
Bank statement definitely 3 months.
With your employment contract and most importantly that it states that you are able to work remotely. Best to send as much as you think will be seen as a positive result.
TM 30 not required.
If they want more information they will ask for it and hopefully your status will move from processing document to pending approval and then finished. You will receive your DTV via email. Please double and triple check everything before submitting.
If for whatever reason you’re rejected you will have to stump up the cash again, they clearly state non refundable.
Try turning your phone the other way, I had to do this on the IPad the other day. If it doesn’t work don’t worry you won’t lose your uploaded documents, they will be there for you when you can get to a computer and log back in again. Good luck 😎