Rob ********
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Rob ********
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Rob ********
@Ivan *********
more than likely you won’t be tested positive in the next 2 months unless you are really unlucky. I get PCR tested every week for work. I’ve been positive in the past with covid and 10 days later tested negative. A lot of my work colleagues the same.
Rob ********
@Adam *******
it’s ridiculous. Suppose to be going home in March for 2 weeks.
Rob ********
@Adam *******
yup I’ll have to leave my house ,my wife and daughter on day 5 get PCR tested and goto hotel, I very much doubt there be quarantine hotels in Surin and if I am tested positive or even false positive I’m screwed. Isolated for 10 days and that’s my holiday to see my wife and daughter over with.
Rob ********

Pre pay pcr test and quarantine hotel day 1 and day 5 ..FFS ..I don’t have a problem day 1 but day 5 is fucking silly and makes no sense ..I just want to go home to my house in Surin. Same applies for Thai citizens they have to book into a hotel on day 5 ..typical Thai logic
Rob ********
@Jessica ****
oh in that case you will struggle if you have no Thai connections 🙄. I have Thai wife and daughter which I haven’t seen since Feb. With my current circumstances and the restrictions in place to get into Thailand I have no idea when I will see them .
Rob ********
I sent a parcel <2kg from U.K. to Thailand 6 weeks ago. Still hasn’t arrived yet
Rob ********
Get a 1 year extension based on marriage in Thailand , then renew every year .
Rob ********
Does any other country in the world requires mandatory Covid 19 insurance ???
Rob ********
@Richard *****
obviously not otherwise you would have given the reason.