thai government policies

Showing 10 questions

This page displays all the results for the Thai government policies tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 10 questions that have been tagged with Thai government policies. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Nov 18, 2024
2 months ago
Tony ***********
Can anyone tell me if the ETA to thailand is going to start on 1st December or is it on hold.
May 27, 2024
8 months ago
Michael ********
Just heads up this may affect some people who dont have there phone numbers in there name has to match bank account.. It did me as wife had my account in her name to get the points. But changed over this evening.

No news when they will take action yet against accounts though. Usual Thai goverment lack of information.
Jan 14, 2022
3 years ago
Tom *******
Hello all!

The more I read, the more confused I get!

Let me briefly explain my situation: I arrived in Thailand from the US on November 29th with a 60-day TR visa that expires on January 27th.

I want to extend my stay longer than a one-time 30-day extension, but the longer Covid extension looks like it expires on January 25th , so am I out of luck or is everyone waiting to see if the Thai government extends the Covid extension?

And if the Thai government does reapply the Covid extension, do I need a Confirmation Letter from my embassy? Do I need to return to Bangkok for a Covid extension or can any immigration office take care of it?

I’m currently in Phitsanulok heading in the direction of Chiang Mai, but I would like to know if I need to go elsewhere to extend my visa, or should I just focus on a regular 30-day extension?

Thank you for helping to clarify this for me!
Sep 19, 2021
3 years ago
Piero ************
This article is a bit more balanced than other ones that have been flying around

Its clear that different Thai ministries have differing views on when things should reopen. Who will prevail?
Oct 8, 2020
4 years ago
Garrett ***********
The new STV was delayed "indefinitely" 2 days before it was set to launch. Also, no refunds for any applications or expenses paid.
Oct 8, 2020
4 years ago
I like to get out in TV and newspaper about thats it not medically reason for so long Quarantine and 3 Covid tests. 2 enough and 4 days enough.

And this over killing kills thai economy for the big group of Thai.
Sep 9, 2020
4 years ago
Ahkim ********
I find it fascinating that by logic those that have been here since pre-covid times have been exposed to exactly the same conditions as the locals, thus we cannot represent a higher risk factor. We are in fact the last safe source of foreign capital flowing to the brick and mortar businesses.

The amnesty/extension procedure far from reflects this in its lastminute intransparency however.

Why is that?
Aug 27, 2020
4 years ago
Paul ********
OK this probably been asked loads of times but I couldn't find anything. There has been rumours that they will extend the amnesty again. I personally don't believe it but if someone has any info regarding this I would be glad to hear it. I have 10 people currently on overstay because of the amnesty and they want to stay longer. Some because there home country is in lockdown and others because they just don't want to risk going home. The covid situation is safer here
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