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Why is the Thai visa extension process during Covid-19 shrouded in uncertainty for long-term foreign residents?

Sep 9, 2020
5 years ago
Ahkim ********
I find it fascinating that by logic those that have been here since pre-covid times have been exposed to exactly the same conditions as the locals, thus we cannot represent a higher risk factor. We are in fact the last safe source of foreign capital flowing to the brick and mortar businesses.

The amnesty/extension procedure far from reflects this in its lastminute intransparency however.

Why is that?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion revolves around the frustrations of long-term foreign residents in Thailand regarding the visa extension and amnesty processes during the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite having been part of the community prior to the pandemic, many feel they are being treated with suspicion and uncertainty as new regulations are put in place without clear communication. Commenters highlight issues such as perceived xenophobia from local officials, challenges in obtaining extensions, and the financial motivations driving the government's policies, leading to a belief that only wealthier foreigners or those on elite visas are welcome moving forward.
Terary **********
Rather liberal 'and everything else'.
Mike *********
In their odd sense of Thai logic, they probably figure that if you go out of the country, they get another bite of the cherry because you’ll want to come back. They wouldn’t dream that maybe you won’t. Thai logic. Two words that don’t belong together in the same sentence.
Yann *******
It's not about the virus it's about patriotism, nationalism and racism. They don't want farangs, just their money...
Geoff ********
Interesting comments above. I have lived here for 17 years full time. What disturbs me here in Bang Saray is the schoolboy/ teenagers playing open air contact sports like basketball and football in the park next door
. No masks and no social distancing. They go home and possibly infect their elderly Thai parents. Yet so many Thai people criticize any farang who may be seen not wearing a mask !! Who is monitoring this irresponsible behavior of Thai people ?
Dave *******
John ********
Rich foreigners
Gabe ********
After 3 months being there I jumped on the first available flight I could to get back to the US because I want to come back with an actual 1yr visa and didn't want it to potentially look bad if I stayed KNOWING I had the opportunity to leave but didn't. Not sure how that's going to pan out but I've had a condo there for 2 and a half years that I extended while there this last time. I'd be more than happy to pay for quarantine and insurance if I could get back 😕
Gabe ********
@Dominic ********
Yes. Just me and me alone. No one else. Why do you care enough to ask? Don't be jealous
Dominic ****
@Gabe *******
why did you think you'd "look bad"? Do you think they care about you that much?
Thomas ********************
Have you considered going Elite?

Pretty sure they're allowed on the list (of potential returnees) now. Also pretty sure that is not true of ED visa holders.
Ahkim ********
Gabe ********
That hindsight sure can be
Ahkim ********
, yes, better to be bold in the future. what about an education visa?
Gabe ********
@Ahkim *******
I wasn't there for education and not sure if they're accepting new applicants for that but that might be an option
Ahkim ********
, I talked to a school, but they say it requires people to leave the country, considering you're already out that may work in your favour, ask Sandee school in Bangkok for info
Gabe ********
Thank you. Just looking at their website so I'll be contacting them
Ahkim ********
, goes to show adaptation isn't always the way, sometimes it is better to ask forgiveness than permission
Billy *******
How come the US and Europe can't keep the GD foreigners out?.
เอ็ดเวิร์ด *******
Only the Canadians. LOL
Michael ********
@Edward *******
thought they built a wall now to keep americans out
Billy *******
@Michael *******
No that's to keep American men from escaping to South America once they enact reparations.
Billy *******
You can get a doctor's note I hear and stay longer.
Roy ***********
Best case scenario most Thai people do not care about foreigners. So the ones that are left bring in some money, but they do not care much about that also as it is abstract. Off course people in tourism jobs like us, but others love to see us go.

You may counter that with logic, but Covid made very clear that many people are not impressed by that.

Some bus companies did not allow foreigners, temples refused entry to foreigners, sports contests refused foreigners. All very low risk people as they were here already pre-Covid, no logic.

I am saying it like all Thai people are like this, but it is just to show what I think is the general feeling.
Ahkim ********
, I agree with you. they look down upon us, which is a form of hatred and far from indifference.

you describe it aptly, the immaturity of the culture requires the finger to be pointed, but there is no real justification in it.

I like this place, but it was already closed in upon itself, convinced of its own superiority without even having seen any other part of the world, before covid and has become so even more now.
Kool *******
@Roy **********
, from my current experiences in the last few months, if a Thai has never seen you before they are somewhat standoffishness toward you, meaning they give you plenty of room, or say no, but after they've seen you a few times they could care less, and treat you like everyone else. The only incidence I have had was last month from a bulk durian seller on Sukhumvit soi 71 that I hadn't bought from yet this year. She would not let me check the firmess of the durian like most normally do, and that other Thais there were doing. Then when I returned the following week to get another, as they have some of the best prices in Bangkok, there was no concern with me at all, and I was treated like everyone else, and with smiles.
Roy ***********
@Kool ******
I have very little bad experiences and I do not mean to say they hate us. I think a better word than I used before may be indifferent.
Bobby ********
@Roy **********
. I agree. Hate is a strong word. Indifferent probably encapsulates it better. Certainly once they know you or have done business with you (even selling you a durian) the relationship becomes a little more relaxed. But other than missing the 50 baht you spend each week, if you suddenly disappeared, they wouldn't be asking after you
Kool *******
There is allot more going on than most even realize, and the "tourists" got caught up in it. Thailand has, for over ten years, been trying to close all the loopholes that have allowed people to stay here long term, without doing it correctly, and mostly because they do not have the cash to get the year long extensions, or form their business, or work the correct way, and again because of the money requirements. Look back over the last three years of the restrictions Thai embassies have placed on people doing bimonthly border runs to get a new tourist visa to continue their stay for decades in some cases, and multiple years in most cases. Now because of this virus they are closing the abuse of those people using different multi-entry 90 day visas, that were never designed for long term stay, and people repeatedly doing it again because they do not have the money to actually get the yearly extension that they should legally be getting. The last crackdown they were trying was on everyone that was using basically loan shark agents to fund the money requirements for the retirement extensions, with the time limits on deposits, and the bt400k that must remain in the bank for the full year. They were hoping this would discourage loansharking agents from doing this, as it would tie up their money for too long. By ending this amnesty, it is giving immigration, and the police, a clear understanding of the corruption within the system, and the immigration officers involved, and don't for a minute think they do not see exactly what is going on. This will be their next targets, those corrupt officials working with agents to stamp extensions when the person does not actually meet the requirements, and the said agents are just doing it for the money. The real career tourists got caught up in this. They do not want to go home, for whatever reason, and they can not continue their travels to any other country because of closed borders, and travel restrictions. Thailand knows exactly what they are doing, and are in the process of getting plans in place to start tourism again, but at the same time trying to close any loopholes it might create for unjustified long term stays because people do not have the cash to do it correctly. They made big inroads in getting rid of all those on long term overstays before this virus in the last year, and are continuing to do that. Thailand wants everyone out that can not afford to be here the correct way, and this virus just made it easier to get that done. Unfortunately career tourists, and a few other ligitimate groups got caught in this gleening.
Jesse *********
I would call it bootlicking and ego, not greed. The Western man who wants to prove he understands Thailand better than his peers because he overly-romanticizes their ethics and intellect and culture and thus talks down to poorer farangs and newbies to make himself feel better than them.
Bobby ********
@Kool ******
. Brilliant overview on what is really going on and what many cannot see. I've met farangs who live in squalid rooms, dependent on the border bounce and a few days in Cambodia to eke out their stays. They live on a cheese toastie from 7-11 and a stir fry cashew nut from the street vendor for dinner and find a few hundred baht for a few beers or a bottle of Thai whiskey. And we're expected to believe people like this are contributing to the Thai economy. You're spot on, Thailand wants the cheap tourists out, and are trying to entice longstay visitors with real money, who will add to the economy, which is why I believe the two weeks quarantine will be with us for a long time, and the days of the border bounce are gone.
Ahkim ********
, unjustified how? if people put money down towards local businesses and behave well, then what burden do they form to be labeled unjustified in their long stay?

what I see is a sense of entitlement from, ironically, foreigners that have been here longer and culturally fed fears from the local populace.
Kool *******
@Ahkim *******
, like I said, there are certain ligitimate groups that have been caught up in this, but for the most part those trying to stay are poor, and do not actually contribute that much to the economy. When the government instituted the heavy restrictions of people living here long term on tourist visas, and doing border runs bimonthly, lots of those foreigners moved out of Thailand because they did not have the money to stay here, but, it did not affect the local economy at all. Are you aware of how many unpaid hospital bills there are from long term foreigners that have no money to pay their bills? Just because a person buys their meals locally, and rents a cheap room does not mean they are not costing the local infrastructure money. Thailand does not want poor people here, because from experience, they know that at some points that poor person is going to cost someone, or some facility, more money than they contribute to the local economy. Contrary to what many people think, Thailand is not stupid. They know exactly what and why they are doing things related to long stay foreigners.
Jesse *********
Yah lots of topic jumping here, anyway I think you are way too romantic and philosophical in your analysis in a country that is very materialistic and wears their heart on their shoulder. It really just boils down to hiso vs. loso, yellow vs. red, BKK et al vs others. Yes Taksin decentralized power, angering the hisos... who now have centralized it again under their own power including the Army and police (never before has it been so centralized). So they all are rich and don't care about local business upcountry... they want to retain central power and cashflow. Back to COVID and visas, it's probably why they keep making it harder to get retirement visas etc... poor farangs out, temporary rich farangs in... Westernization avoided in the process as a nice side benefit that maintains their poor-English-speaking internalized corruption-rife society.
Ahkim ********
, and then we have these spineless farang who basically turn into that mentality of greed to fit in, or already had it, ironically justifying their presence by the same logic of greed that is like disease on this country and the world in general. it is them that should go, perhaps permanently, their function towards harmony has long since ceased.
Jesse *********
Kool Breez I think you're right on all counts, however perhaps overestimate the determination of BKK to clean up corruption among Immigration. I think it's like China, where the only corruption being cleaned up is that which does not benefit the CCP hisos aka BKK wants to ensure they're getting their money so they crack down on select offices and agencies. The concern re: economy and wanting to kick out poor farangs is surely true, but maybe secondary... I think centralized power and cashflow is #1, also in the background COVID has made the hisos acutely aware of all the protests for democracy etc too and that of course ties into another big change that happened in the recent years we aren't allowed to mention... so reducing Westerners here is a nice side-benefit maybe.
Kool *******
@Jesse ********
, years ago decentralized power was tried, but they found that corruption greatly increased. What the hisos, government, and the majority of people are aware of, is that these current protests do not represent the majority of people, and under democracy, that these protesters supposedly want, majority rules. Very very seldom are the ones yelling the loudest the majority. Like I said there are things going on behind the scenes that most foreign people are not even aware of. I'll give you a little clue, but I doubt you'll grasp it. If you have followed Thaksin's political career, and all the different factions of it, then ask yourself, why is he so quiet now, as he never has been in the past, and he does not give up, ever. Have a good day.
Ahkim ********
because he exiled after too many corruption scandals, including the hidden shares in AIS yielding him a cool billion usd or so.

should he have stayed he would have faced criminal charges, his lobby is trying to bring him back, but thus far failing therein explains his quietude.

so what does this matter of 2006 have to do with 2020 immigration?
Ahkim ********
money always thinks money defines value, but in reality this is true poverty.

what about the wealth coming in for (under age) sex tourism, for drugs, for recklessness. that is far worse for Thailand than a tourist living simply.

and the measure of how much that 20b is really worth lies in the happiness of the recipient, which is significant, indeed in part because

corruption is expensive.

I see the realities, and I see as well the measure of solving them has little to do with finance, more so with a sense of broad responsibility
Anne ********
@Ahkim *******
I think you live by your heart, not your head. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just not realistic in covid-terrified Thailand. Are you here long term, with satisfactory documents? If so, relax and enjoy it. Are you here, but fearing you may need to leave by 26 September? I am sorry your dreams will come to an end in that regard. Are you outside Thailand, yet wishing to return? I feel your pain. The main thing is stop arguing, take life positively and, yes, care for others, but don’t become obsessed and irritated. Life is too short🌴😎
Ahkim ********
, I live by both, because balance is the only long term way for us all. so instead of listing the obvious alternatives from an observer's perspective you get realistic as well and realize that when it comes to humanity we all have skin in the game. ultimately comfort does not replace meaning
Kool *******
@Ahkim *******
, if you have traveled to the countries surrounding Thailand, you will actually see true poverty, and appreciate how advanced Thailand really is economically. Some of the best actors I have seen in this world are Thais. As far as underage sex, and drugs, those are heavily searched for and prosecuted when intercepted and found. To give you an idea of the scope of the drug problem coming from the Shan state of Myanmar, and crossing the border, for worldwide distribution, just last year a at the drug distruction event by the narcotics control board I went to, 6.5 tons of methamphetamine, over 14 million pills, and 2.3 tons of crystal meth/ice was incinerated. In the border interception of drugs coming in, six border patrol agents were shot and killed last year alone, and these are some of the best trained border patrol interdiction rangers in Thailand. Drugs are not taken lightly. Every country has a wholesale drug problem, and try to stop it. Thailand is no different. As far as underage sex, there are three different NGOs that I know of that agressively go after this to stop it, and the police work closely with them to eradicate it, but, and this is pretty much for everything from underage sex, to someone illegally selling merchandise, unless an actual formal complaint is filed with the police, they can not look for crimes being committed on their own. And, this is not unique to Thailand. Many countries around the world operate the same way. Underage sex is looked on very harshly, but until there is an actual complaint filed, the police are helpless to look for it on their own.
Ahkim ********
, stop jumping from one topic to the next man, you barely seem coherent.

to tie your multitude of semi-random topics together: the drugs flow in BECAUSE THERE IS A MARKET. Filth wealth comes in because it can sate its lustss on the supply of (child) prostitution. Idealizing Thailand just makes it apparent you need to open your eyes:


As examplified by tahksin's exile, the inflow of drugs and sex tourism.

therefore the logic that only the rich should have the right to stay is at the source of this problem, because from that perspective the abuse will be allowed to continue, as it generates wealth for the corrupt in power, while the lady on the market and the respectable longstayer that is actually well liked by the locals is considered unwelcome.

don't you and your ilk feel sickened by how much you've integrated the corrupted style of thinking as your own, or was it already there and is that the reason you feel so at home here?
Kool *******
@Ahkim *******
, no matter where I have been, and I have been in many places in this world in my life, I have always learned how to adapt, instead of trying to change their system, with the thinking mine will always be better. I grew up in America, and it is just as corrupt as anywhere else I have been, just in different ways. The same with the UK, France, Columbia, Spain, Germany, Argentina, Mexico, Canada, and a few others I've dealt with. If you can not adapt to your surroundings, thinking your "morals" outweigh everything else, you will continue to be greatly frustrated, and disappointed in life. Those that adapt to life here are happy. Those that think it should change into what they think should be right, will be miserable their whole life.
Ahkim ********
, closing your eyes isn't adaptation, it's cowardice.

true adaptation is done to something.that increases survival chances as a species, not as an individual. but by all means dance while the world around you burns, dismiss reason further, say hello to Plato in that cave and pretend that's what you can call life.

meanwhile i'll return to the topic of IMMIGRATION POLICIES
Kool *******
@Ahkim *******
, believe me, I am very very far from having my eyes closed. I am fully aware of what goes on here including most every element of immigration laws and rules, and understand why. Actually get legal to stay here, instead of complaining because Thailand will not let you stay the way you are trying to do it. Get legal, unless you can't afford to, and in that case Thailand wants you gone, and that is reality, no matter how much you think you are helping the economy.
Ahkim ********
, I feel your logic, although I also feel you put a pretty high bar on what justifies a person staying here.

the lady in the market is happy with 20 baht coming her way regardless of whom it comes from because it does help her. government less so, because they get no slice of it, so it really is a matter of where the bar is set.

it is strange to me that the idea that we must pay dearly to simply be is so common
Kool *******
@Ahkim *******
, from your comment I know there are lots of things you do not see that are going on behind the scenes. I did not set the "high bar", the government did many governments ago. This government is continuing the tightening and further enforcement. Thaksin himself first started the enforcement and tourist restrictions, but his aim was squarely on the "backpacker" crowd. He changed the land border crossings from a 30 day stamp to a 14 day stamp, as backpackers didn't fly, they crossed the land borders. You are not aware that that lady in the market pays about three different sets of people to simply sell there, and one of them is the local police. Your bt20 is nice, but she is not staying open because of your bt20.
Geoff ********
@Kool ******
very true words. From a farang who has lived here legitimately for 17 years.
Bobby ********
Jesse *********
I think it's partly the anti-farang xenophobia of the BKK hisos and then just the simple fact that BKK has no way to grab monthly cash from long-stay COVID farangs... so perhaps they don't give much shit about local businesses dying. Economy-wise, the hisos think health tourism, ganja farming, and exports are the future and do not threaten their class standing in Thailand. An overly-Westernized lower-class is a threat to them, however... that and the general laziness of Immigration and gov agencies, they want the most bang for their buck which is short-stay tourists who come and pay a lot of money, "love Thailand" and then leave without asking too many questions... I wouldn't be surprised if retirement visas become increasingly more difficult to obtain over the next decade too
Ahkim ********
, this is also what I see. the xenophobia bleeds into mortal fear, despite no valid logic existing that makes pre covid longstayers are higher risk
Geoff ********
@Jesse ********
I totally agree with you.
Geoff ********
Wake up.
Bobby ********
@Jesse ********
. They want everyone on the Thai elite visa. That's the ultimate plan.
Jesse *********
@Bobby *******
Yup think so... farangs on $800/mo social security checks are not adding much cashflow to the economy, and are westernizing the country's psychology in their view I assume... loads of tea money (e.g. elite visa) will slow down the farangs moving here and more cash to hiso pockets, it is obvious traditional tourism/expats are no longer an economic priority anymore
Bobby ********
@Jesse ********
. Problem is most farangs are tight-asses.
Ahkim ********
, whilst the Thai are generosity embodied. quit the double standards. wakie wakie.
Geoff ********
Go to a local Visa Agent and pay. All problems go away.
Michael ********
They need to get people stamped in get control or immigration will become very messy. People been lucky here other countries have not been giving amnesty.
Ken ***********
@Michael *******
Indonesia and The Philippines among others have given amnesty, Thailand is not unique
Michael ********
@Ken ******
it will get messy if people dont get stamps and they have put the onus on individual countries issuing letters i dont see whats wrong with that its more than fair.

Unlimited exemptions until further notive with letter from your countries embassy.

If people get stuck here have accidents with no funds will need to be embassy bear responsibility
Ken ***********
@Michael *******
I have an O visa, so I am not affected but until Thailand is open more it seems it would allow those who can prove funds be allowed to stay...but I understand both sides.
Michael ********
@Ken ******
yes and lots havent my son had to leave Singapore even though his grandmother is citizen and mother PR and would guarantee him.
Ahkim ********
it's not about paying the visa costs. we had to pay those pre-covid as well. it is about the uncertaintly in which we are kept until, quite literally, the very last minute.

then there is the fact that extensions are only given based on embassy letter or medical reasons etc.
Bobby ********
A report of one guy who followed the immigration advice published six weeks ago. This guy got the embassy letter and applied for the month extension and it's been granted. I guess he figured it was more productive to do this than to whine, cry and post infantile memes on social media.

Michael ********
@Ahkim *******
they need letter from embassy to cover themselves not saying you but people could get short of funds need flying home, hospital treatment etc.
Bobby ********
@Ahkim *******
. There is no "uncertainty". Immigration published specific instructions about six weeks ago. Hardly "the very last minute" is it?
John ********
@Bobby *******
People are seeking help, lecturing to them may make you feel better, but does nothing to assist those looking for useful information. I applied for an Elite Visa around mid August and it appears unlikely to complete before 26th. If you can offer useful advice then we should grateful but if you nothing to offer ... you really are just cluttering up the thread.
Bobby ********
@John *******
. Read the original post which stated "uncertainty". I responded to this by showing the official announcement from immigration, in other words giving advice. I was then criticised for pointing out this FACT. If you think pointing out a published fact is lecturing someone you have your wires crossed. Further, I don't see how pointing out a fact is making me feel better about anything. I offered the advice that a 30 day extension can be obtained with an embassy letter. Again, this is advice. Perhaps you should learn English before cluttering up thread with your nonsense?
John ********
@Bobby *******
I read this same information when it was published as you did, it was widely publicised. The reality appears to be somewhat different, many people including myself have attempted to change to a long term visa some weeks ago, the time delay is pushing it beyond 26 Sept. I have also contacted the British Embassy with evidence of cancelled flights (3) and of my timely application for an Elite Visa, to try for 30 day extension to allow completion of application with no success This thread is trying to help people by sharing information, the actuality of getting a 30 day appears to be problematic for most people... if you something useful to say, I am sure people will be grateful.
Bobby ********
@John *******
. I don't see that the reality is different from what was published. People are now getting 30 day extensions on the back of embassy letters, and from reports I have seen there are ways to extend long stay visas in country. However, the fact remains (and this is a fact, not my opinion), that people who do not meet the criteria must (again fact) "prepare to leave". In your own situation (waiting for the elite visa, which for some may be the only option, and realistically it's not a bad one for people who wish to remain in the country), I cannot see any reason why you would not qualify for a 30-day extension to take you to October 26. This is one report of a guy who has successfully done this

Ahkim ********
not worth the bother
, filth is filth. doesn't want to understand
Ahkim ********
, deliberately focusing on a part of the picture whilst ignoring the entirety of it doesn't make you right. it just makes you narrowminded.

must I remind you that the initial amnesty and the subsequent one were only announced around the critical dates where people could no longer extend.
Bobby ********
@Ahkim *******
. Erm. The last amnesty extension there were no other options. Now there are. Please don't get angry with me. Amnesty is over. Accept that and move forward.
Ahkim ********
, hey wake up. Nobody is arguing against accepting the situation, but we can ask why it is what it is. stop making this about what you'd like it to be, the fact that you feel superior have your situation sorted. that's what it is, isn't it? a kind of gloating over others.

Bobby ********
@Ahkim *******
. Not gloating. Stating facts. Perhaps you could explain to me which part of the "Aliens have to submit an application for extension or prepare for departure" you didn't understand? Maybe it's denial? The "prepare for departure" bit I think? Irrespective of what you believe the Thai government should or should not be doing, they have made their position clear. The amount of money foreigners are currently contributing to the Thai economy is negligible. I live here. I rent a condo, I pay for electricity, internet, fuel. I shop in supermarkets, eat out a couple of times a week. Every 2-3 weeks my lady and myself will fly it drive to various parts of Thailand, stay in hotels, eat in restaurants, visit attractions. All etc etc. I'm really not ever going to try to convince someone that I'm making a useful contribution to the economy. Yes, I'm sure I'm helping some street vendors or hotel owners for one flicker of a moment, but that's all it is. It's not going to save their business. It needs tens of thousands to do that, not the few tourists who have hung on thinking land borders will open soon (they won't).
Ahkim ********
, you really don't understand. what do you think, the world revolves around you so solely that it is you, not the entire tourism industry that should be measured as significant?


Just ignore.this please, as Bobby has not singlehandedly caused this drop.
Bobby ********
@Ahkim *******
. You're not real smart are you? You cannot comprehend what is happening? Roll on September 27!! 🤣🤣🤣
Ahkim ********
I'm sorted
, but unlike you I care about others
Bobby ********
@Ahkim *******
. I doubt it. Your whine is too high pitched. 🤣🤣🤣
Ahkim ********
, and there it is, the gloat you couldn't suppress. you're a sad individual bro, if you need this to lift you up.
Bobby ********
@Ahkim *******
. You started the thread with an incorrect statement, simply because you couldn't understand the advice put out six weeks ago. You claimed immigration left it right to the last minute. Absolute bullshit and you know it. You've turned it into a perpetual whine because someone doesn't agree with you. There's no gloat. I have nothing to be sad about. September 26 means nothing to me.
Ahkim ********
, yes, it was quite obvious you didn't care at all before you even typed the 26th doesn't matter to you despite it being important to so many.

the stupidity of going full circle to prove my point is almost admirable tho.

never go full retard bro
Bobby ********
@Ahkim *******
. The date was set by Thai immigration. You can't accept it. Why should I care about it? I sleep easy at night.
Bobby ********
I don't think it does. Government told those on amnesty about six weeks ago to get your visa sorted or prepare to leave. They made it clear no further amnesty, they want money which is understandable. So get the right visa for your situation, pay your money and you're laughing
Todd *********
except that you are missing the crucial element in that assessment. There is no viable way to extend at immigration. The flights home are irrelevant. That issue passed the months ago. The people still here could care less. And his point that cutting off potentially several hundred thousand of us currently accounting for the only non-domestic revenue, is both pointless and absurd. What absolutely needs to occur, to avoid major issues, is simply an extension to anyone currently on amnesty, for 3 month periods, payable either at immigration now or on exiting the country. In the uncertain times of COVID, this is a global necessity. Not a unique to Thailand issue. This is not difficult to figure out
Anne ********
@Todd ********
love the way you say 'what absolutely needs to occur' if you are the authority!
Todd *********
@Anne *******
i can fully appreciate that reading comprehension is not your forte. Thanks for the laugh.
Anne ********
@Todd ********
Glad you are happy! You seem to be an authority on many things...though eyewear, I’m not so sure😎
Bobby ********
@Todd ********
. Immigration are doing monthly extensions with embassy letters for 1900 baht a time. On an extension you can possibly transfer to another visa if you have the facility to do this. There will be no-one left on amnesty. People will have either a legit extension or they'll be on overstay. Both situations make money for Thailand! 🤣
เอ็ดเวิร์ด *******
@Bobby *******
yeah, it’s a smokescreen people saying their visas should be extended because they contribute so much. People just don’t want to go home and face the shit storm that’s happening there, unless they have an honest to God family here. At least be honest about it.
Todd *********
they have clearly indicated this is the intent. But this far, not a single 30 day extension has been issued commencing 27 sept. It appears lovely on paper. But is not being followed through with. Which leaves tens of thousands in a pure state of confusion. And is complete bullshit that local offices are not complying. The 30 day requirement also seems pointless. If you want to generate 1900 baht monthly, and your own embassy supports you, at least 90 days should be the standard. Charge 1900 monthly on exit. Or 5700 for 90 days and keep the pointless clutter out of immigration. There are much easier ways to execute this. And forcing anyone whom has a nation unwilling to support with a letter, definitely does nothing to make a single baht for Thailand. And impacts the money they pour into the country now
Bobby ********
@Todd ********
. First one reported today. It's a goer. Everything you say makes perfect sense, but let's be honest it's not going to happen, so we have to work with what we've got!

Todd *********
@Bobby *******
good to see that at least!
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The Thai Visa Advice And Everything Else group allows for a broad range of discussions on life in Thailand, beyond just visa inquiries.
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Thai Visa Advice and Everything Else
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Thai Visa Advice and Everything Else