What are the chances of the Thai government cancelling the Test and Go entry scheme?

December 20, 2021
3 years ago
[members only]

What are the chances of this happening, do you think?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
There is significant speculation and concern among commentators regarding the potential cancellation of Thailand's Test and Go entry scheme, especially in light of the Omicron variant. Many believe that there is a high likelihood (100% chance suggested by some) that changes will be made to current travel restrictions. Various opinions highlight frustrations about the convoluted rules, the impact on tourism, and the overarching question of whether effective strategies are in place to manage COVID-19 outbreaks. Some commenters express a willingness to avoid Thailand altogether in favor of other destinations like Cambodia due to uncertainty about future travel policies and recent governmental decisions.
Erik ******************
Test and Go is suspended for all future applications, effective immediately.
Erik ******************
I have just officially canceled my trip to Thailand. We'll just go to beaches here in Cambodia. I simply will not pay one more baht to go to Thailand in this time of uncertainty. That includes our $160 in COVID tests we had scheduled for tomorrow to fly out on Friday.

The Thai government has completely killed my confidence in tourism to their country. I'll just cut my losses, effective immediately.
Nick ****
@Erik *****************
my second winter in Mexico, no regrets.
Erik ******************
I'm feeling like they're going to slightly reduce the number of countries in Test and Go. That's my prediction.
Will *********
I hope so!
Will *********
does anyone one know when the final decision on this will be handed down? Im due to land feb 1, and as of now only have an sha+ hotel booked in bangkok for a one night test and go....freaking out a bit
Erik ******************
@Will ********
I feel even worse, because I'm booked to fly the same day they're supposed to make a decision - Friday!
Josh ***********
There must be ulterior motives at play here . They could require more tests or do contact tracing like Singapore did, but going right to cancelling quarantine exempt is questionable
Oliver ********
Andman *****
Just thoughts,

If travel was permitted only for those who received the vaccine and for those who have a negative test result.

So how did the infection spread between countries?

Either the spreading is a lie

Or the test is a lie

Or the vaccine is a lie

Or the disease is a lie

Or the whole situation is a big lie?
Erik ******************
@Andman ****
I don't think it's any of your four choices. Rather, it's option 5, which is "The vaccine isn't 100% effective, similar to the annual flu vaccine. It significantly reduces the chances of contracting the earlier strains of COVID, but is a lot less helpful for newer strains."
Josh ***********
@Andman ****
the problem is not the virus , there is and has been more than 3000 cases a day for some time in Thailand . It’s speculation about the omicron variant , which is more transmissible but less severe then delta.
Oliver ********
@Andman ****
vaccines are not 100% effective and there is an incubation period during which infected people can test negative
Na ****
@Andman ****
The vaccine has already generated billions in profit.

It is the most profitable business, ever.

Practical considerations are usually ignored when money is to be made.
Andman *****
@نبيل *****
We we'll pay, the important thing is that they don't ruin our travel plans.

Imagine .. Till now I got 3 Pfizer vaccines, and still need travel health insurance covering Corona ?!

That story has become so boring, they should invent another new one, for the new year at least😊
Nick ****
Fuck em
Peter *********
So many clever people now not
Na ****
More people will die from poverty because of restrictions than all diseases ever combined.
Nick ****
@Nabeel ******
surely that will fix climate change. Oh wait, maybe that's their plan?
Na ****
@Nick *****
When record profits are to be made, climate change is hardly the first thing on peoples minds.
Andrew ********
Here we go again 🙄
Burnard ************
Cambodia is open now.

They like Western money.
Burnard ************
This is going to be interesting. The Deputy Prime Minister is also the head of the ruling party & the Ministry of Health. So he is arguably, more powerful, in Thailand than the Prime Minister.

So, yes, it is very likely now. But I don't think it will do much to stop Omicron.

It has long been suspected, that the Deputy Prime Minister has ulterior motives.

What do you think the chance would be that he would propose this if the Chinese were not in travel Lockdown?

Most of the tourists, right now, are "Dirty Farangs" - to quote a label the Deputy Prime Minister has used in the past.
Josh ***********
I think it’s simply a case of government getting used to having more immense powers and not seeing the effects of using them. It’s like here in New York the governor banned elective surgeries at hospitals the day omicron was discovered despite no evidence omicron would lead to more hospitalizations.
Burnard ************
@Josh **********
No, in Thailand, Anutin as just a Xenophobe.

Unfortunately, perhaps the next Prime Minister (he hopes)
Nick ****
@Burnard ***********
is it that dickhead Anutin or whatever his name is?
Burnard ************
@Nick *****
Yes, it is he whose name shall not be mentioned on Facebook 🤣
Nick ****
@Burnard ***********
why not though? He's not Biden or his cocksucking vice president.
Burnard ************
@Nick *****
Please stick to the subject. I was joking. You can mention Anutin as much as you want.

But don't go off on a tangent, please.
Martin ***********
@Burnard ***********
The problem in many governments is that lobbyists get corrupted by offers of money, leading to alterior motives instead of serving the national interest.
Prashant **********
Opening and Closing Door Will Eventually Kill The Tourism Industry .... They Closed for Delta But it came .... Just Need To make Sure Proper Testing and tracking .Now we have to live with Covid ..
Erik ******************
Well now I guess we'll just wait and see.
Dianne *****
Reading the article it looks like they want to extend the length of quarantine/restrictions, not get rid of all testing/quarantine. If this is approved the options for foreigners coming to Thailand would be 7 days in sandbox in Phuket or Samui with associated testing if the foreigner is vaccinated, or 14 days in hotel quarantine if unvaccinated
Förnamn ***********
Its easy because people dont want to go there. If people want to visit thailand follow the rules or go to bangkok and follow the rules there easy as that.

Not trying to be a jerk it just seems like people think its thier right to visit and to visit on thier own rules. I understand people might have relatives etc they want to visit but then you have to follow the rules. It might get more expensive thats sad of course and thailand is quite unlogical with thier rules and cant make up thier mind and changing its a pity.
Josh ***********
@Dianne ****
nothing wrong with sandbox but the problem is all the people having test and go packages booked in Bangkok or pattaya , along with flights into Bangkok. So u less Bangkok or pattaya get a sand box , switching to it is not that equivalent to test and go at all.
David ********
@Dianne ****
I thought u had to be fully vaxed to even fly ?????
Dianne *****
@David *******
I believe it depends on the airline. Some will only carry vaccinated passengers (Qantas and Qatar proposed this, but I'm not sure if it is being strictly enforced) Singapore and Scoot have flights that only carry vaccinated passengers if they are arriving or transitting in Singapore. My understanding is that it is still generally possible to fly if you are unvaccinated but there are less seats available for unvaccinated passengers on any flight, so it is more difficult. Some countries, but not all, currently don't allow their unvaccinated citizens to travel. Australia for example requires that unvaccinated travellers apply for an exemption to travel overseas (usually only granted for compassionate reasons). Thsiland does allow unvaccinated travellers to enter, but requires a negative PCR test taken within 72 hours of time of departure from origin country and strict hotel quarantine upon arrival in Thailand
David ********
@Dianne ****
yes ur right it's mainly PCR tests to board then up to the country a little confusing to say the least 🙏
Förnamn ***********
@Atte ******
Then stay home. Its not a human right to travel and if Thailand wants to have rules its up to them :)
Atte *******
@Förnamn **********
Afghanistan also have rules, so do North Korea. How come people not go there? It's up to them too to have rules ;-)
Atte *******
@Förnamn **********
And the human robot has spoken. You don't even got a name???? All I say that NOT EVERYONE FLY TO PHUKET!
Scot *******
Or atte could completely ignore you and try to figure out what's going on.
Atte *******
@Dianne ****
Just waiting and see what a traveller that arrives to Bangkok and are fully vaccinated has to do.
Förnamn ***********
7 days free in phuket is not that bad. Plenty of time to explore and enjoy then move somewhere else.
Atte *******
@Förnamn **********
And if we are not going to Phuket? Where we end up and for how long. I suposed to fly to BKK.
Gary ******
@Dianne ****
Who wants to spend 7 days in a Sandbox.. so many people’s plans will blow up again if this happens.
Shane **********
If you can get a PCR test at the airport returned within an hour before your departure why on Earth would you need to book a hotel for a night to receive a test result upon arrival?
Paul ***********
Greg ********
@Shane *********
because of the incubation period.
Delvonte ********
@Greg *******
but you’re testing dna
Jeremy *********
Don't care. if they don't won't my money up to them .I am not going to jump through hoops to go on a holiday.
Paul ***********
After omicron there will be many more viruses
Jon *****
Paul ***********
@Jon **********
ask me how l know 🤫
Erik ******************
It's stupid. Are they planning to stop Omicron completely from entering the country? The Thai government tanked the economy for two years to keep the other strains out and COVID still came anyway.

Have some sense, people!
Gertjan ********
Peter *********
@Erik *****************
ffs sake people it's only a common cold get real
Joseph ******
@Erik *****************
exactly nothing is gonna stop it coming in unless you wanna stop ppl coming in entirely. Rest of the world should face reality and that is this thing will keep spreading , get on with it
Alan ********
100% chance
Robert ********
I thought this was already done. Fecking madness.
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