How difficult is it to get my Thai girlfriend a visa to visit me in London?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The difficulty of obtaining a visa for your Thai girlfriend to visit you in London varies based on her individual circumstances. Factors such as her employment status, financial stability, and ties to Thailand (like property or family) play a crucial role in the visa approval process. Many users have shared their experiences, indicating that having a stable job or a significant reason to return to Thailand greatly increases the chances of getting a visa. While some regard the process as straightforward, others highlight potential challenges like extensive documentation and visiting the VFS office for biometric data. Some suggest hiring a visa agent for assistance, while others believe the requirements can be met with careful preparation.
It’s quite a complicated process. She will need to satisfy to the entry clearance officer that she will return. Her owning property inthai, family commitments and a stable job that will allow her time off. You will have to demonstrate your income too. I used an agent but if you’ve got time you can do it yourself.
Another idea to think about if you just want a short holiday with her in a third country is to meet in turkey. No visa requirements there.
Desmond *******
The hoops put up for different countries reflect the likelihood of that nationality going to ground to work illegally
She wouldn't be bothered with flowers and chocolates unlike Western ladies!
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Gordon *******
Nicholas ************
If your having problems I go help form Siam legal . First time applying got full six months very helpful
Giorgio ******
very difficult I'd guess .....
Nigel ***********
Take your time doing the application, read the requirements, just really have to prove that she is going to return back to thailand and has a reason to return, we got rejected first time we tryed, our fault ,did not follow every thing they required and should have included more information for them to be happy with. After this ,did the 5 year route visa for her to stay here and live with me. Now applying for citizenship as she been allowed to remain here for ever. If I did it any one can,people are lazy and can't be bothered to follow the rules,
Ricky ******
If you recently met her in a bar, forget it. Been supporting her for a while, maybe.
Thomas *********
Put another shimp on the barbie
Drew ******************
She could always jump on the inflatable raft across the channel and stay as long as she wants...just has to dress up as a terrorist and she's home Scott free🤬
Mine had 4 visit visas. Follow the instructions, provide the evidence. Write a good sponsor letter along with a proposed visits of landmarks/places you plan to show here. Confirm she will return home and not be to any cost to the UK system.
Steven ******
My girlfriend has been to the UK 3 times now, once on a 6 months visa and then the next 2 times on the same 2 year visa. We never had any trouble with applying for he visa, we did all the application ourselves without the use of an agent. The UK government website has a list of things it needs and we gave them exactly what they asked for.
Gary *********
How about you do some research, look at the immigration website of your country and see the requirements FFS.
Ian *****
Easy. If you read the application process and provide all the evidence of relationship, income and reason she will return .
Peter ********
If I read correctly, you are just looking to take her for a short vacation.
I would hope it’s not difficult. ???
Frank **********
Aren't the illegals in the UK mostly from the old British Empire? They should already be citizens 5555.
Not as impossible as everyone would want you to believe.
You don't need to put money in her account.
Although employment and financial obligations to Thailand (therefore a need to return) are important, it's possible without.
My girlfriend has been to the UK with my twice now. The first time, she had no official employment. She just sells doll accessories on Facebook and Instagram so her only "employment" proof was screenshots of her business pages and some transactions.
We didn't put any money in her bank account either.
We just filled out the paperwork with obsessive attention to detail. We provided sponsorship screenshots and said she would be sponsored for £100 a day. So the sponsors bank account needs to show that they could easily afford to sponsor the Thai citizen for £100 per day. If she's staying for a month? Sponsor needs to show that £3000 is no problem for them to spend.
A good invitation letter is imperative. Explain why you want her to come, provide plenty of photos as proof of relationships. Provide an itinerary of what sort of things you want to do.
It's a long and arduous process but it's well worth it and the requirements on your girlfriend's side are nowhere near as difficult as people say.
My girlfriend's been with me to the UK on two visas now.
Malcolm *********
Just take a boat from France apparently no visa needed so I heard.
if you agree why don’t you let some Middle Age men refugee with jo backgrounds into your house to stay ?
Reply to
Teddy ************
Barry ********
Very difficult
I tried with my gf .provided all the evidence bank statements. Documents from the Thai authorities.. refused on the grounds they didn't believe the evidence I provided .!!!
it's amazing how many people have said that !! I was shocked. The British embassy called me a liar. I'm born and bred pedigree British and that how the government sees its citizens.. what's going on in uk ???
its a shame citizens are pushed to the side like we’re outcasts and if we mention that we’re “racist” baffles me because I can’t go anywhere with out a passport , anyone can move to our country if they want regardless of background checks and passports almost ashamed to be British
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Teddy ************
Paul ******
I don’t know about England but live in Australia and it was best to go through a visa agency in Thailand cost me about $500 Australian and they took her to Bangkok and stayed with her for the whole process
Teddy ************
Shouldn’t be hard at all most people come on dingys with no passports and they get let in just fine sure she’ll be okay
Tony ******
It will be easier to fly her to France and put her in a dinghy from Calais 👍👍
Terry ********
Ive got a 6 months visa for my girlfriend to come back to england with me
Dutch **********
Back in 2005 we got a students visa for her so she attended a language school in Windsor (already spoke Engish) but was a good route to uk.
after that 2 years we applied for another visa, sorry can’t remember which and then after that got Uk passport. Think once she had been here 5 years.
Was bit of a pain but can be done fairly easily when I think back.
Good luck!
Michael ********
If you both fit the criteria it's not that hard to do It is just time consuming
Just follow the online instructions and make sure you have your ducks all lined up before you start
Michael ********
Put her on a boat she don’t need visa or passport
Julian *******
So easy
Kevin ********
It took me 5 years to get wife and son here.just throw money at home office and U will someday succeed. Get a good lawyer.a expensive one.
Robert ************
It definitely can be done if you have a real relationship with her. Get lots of stamps in her passport. Once they see a history of you two traveling they will be more likely to give her a visa. So before you apply take her to Vietnam, Philippines, Japan, Maldives, Bali, Singapore, etc etc. All the Asian countries are easy to take her too. Then they will see she is not a flight risk. Also deposit money into her account every month. I transfer all my monthly income into my gf’s account and we live off of that. Many here will think I’m crazy but I could afford to lose 100k baht if she ran off and it would be a small price to pay for learning the truth. Another option is join a tour group from Thailand the first time you go there. According to my friend who runs one only about 1% get denied. After the first trip there it’s easy the next time. Another idea is to fly into Germany or France. They will give her a longer visa such as a six month or a year. Other countries in Europe will only give her a visa for the amount of time you request such as a few weeks. Once in France or Germany easy to go to the UK.
Hope these ideas help. Good luck.
Michael ***********
Why? Doesn't she want to go? 555
Dave *********
Just get her to fly to France then buy her an inflatable and get her to sail across making sure she dumps her passport and ID in the sea before she lands! The UK government prefers illegals to legals so might as well play the system as it’s difficult to get a legal into the UK for some bizarre reason.
you do understand the concept of asylum seeking and the rights to do so under international law. There is nothing illegal about it. These types of comments make just make you sound thick and easily brainwashed by the tabloids. You can do better than that.
It’s an actual fact in the UK, I have seen my home town swamped by them. I don’t follow msm as they elude the truth in the UK, especially the likes of the BBC. Genuine asylum seekers with genuine reasons is one thing, but there are many coming to the UK that aren’t genuine, no ID and could be criminals in their home country.
These posts are predictable, and off topic. It was only difficult for you and the ones who get turned down. For the ones who get accepted, it's pretty straightforward. UK government statistics indicate a 77% success rate, down from 86% the previous year, largely down to increased refusals for Russian and Chinese applicants.
We were successful last year. Used an agency to ensure we were successful. Lots of evidence of our 5 year relationship. Her company were very good letting her have time from work. Had 45 great days in the uk.
You’d think since we (uk) can get 60 days visa free here they’d have a mutual visa thing for Thais wanting to visit uk. Tell them she’s from Syria or something claiming asylum, they let her in easier.
Me and my gf gave up on the idea so we just staying put in Thailand and my family will visit here instead.
The UK and Thai government are both working towards visa free travel between both countries, so is the EU. Syrian applications, as of 2 days ago, are all suspended. My wife had been imprisoned and deported by Malaysia, and we got a visa no issue. Possibly its your circumstances or your invite letter that screwed things up, not her. We used an agent, but that was good value by the time you factored in travel to Bangkok, a hotel, taxi costs etc. The agent showed me some of the covering letters from some of his English clients, and I found them to be borderline illiterate.
Reply to
Andy **********
Stephen ********
I found it fairly straight forward for both the 6 month and the 2 year visitor visas. Just time consuming gathering and preparing all the paperwork to upload.
Sturgess ********
I’m American, but I suspect the criteria is similar. They’re not particularly interested in where your GF will be staying, etc. They want to see proof that she has a life in Thailand that she does not want to abandon. Caring for a mother, kids, perhaps a house. These things will bring her back to Thailand. That’s what they want to see.
Joseph *********
A hell of a lot easier than taking my gf to California for a trip to visit my family and friends lol
Tony ******
😂 depends if you buy her the ticket yourself because you will tell you she lost it
Andy *************
Just put her on a small boat in France...all free then.
not for real people wanting to come for a visit. The only ones securing a definite welcome are those arriving illegally. The rest have to jump through hoops !!
My gf has no wish you visit UK, which I good as I have no wish to subject her with all the hurdles and humiliation of obtaining a visa when a Brit can visit Thailand so easy, and is made so welcome, it's embarrassing.
Chris ******
Pain in the a&&, even when you're married
Luke *********
Hire an agent for 3000 thb. It'll save you the hassle. My Thai girlfriend was just granted a visa and it required a lot of documents and proof
Tell the government she‘s from Syria or Afganistan and she‘ll have everything.
Marcels *********
its important that she can either prove to have enough money or u will have to prove that u can pay for everything and that she had reason return to thailand (working contract (is the best), family, other duties). they are mainly afraid that no one can pay for her and that she wont go back.. (strange thinking)
Glenn *********
Easy through a contact I have in BKK name Audy.
Wayne ******
I did 2 visitor 6 months Visa for my then partner ...she had no job ,no money in her account.
She had 2 children which showed that she would return to Thailand.
What I gathered is that they needed to know that :
You would support her financially for the duration of the visit .
That you had 20k in the bank for at least 6 months.
Covering letters from friends and family.
Lots and lots of photos
We then just followed what was on the Web site .
What I also noted was that different Immigration officers wanted different paperwork .
Be patient with them,it's infuriating as they ask ridiculous questions and throw most of your 4x copies in the bin.
If it was me I would use Paul King ...he makes life easier the 1st time around.You don't get a.second chance .
Anthony ******************
Stop calling her your girlfriend helps
Anthony ******************
Seriously. Not a joke.
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Anthony ******************
Mark *******
Fly to France , buy her a dingy ….. don’t need visa and get free hotel and money .
another racist dick following stupid tropes too dumb to think he is an immigrant too. Moron who gives morons a bad name. Needs a torch and both hands to find his arse.
Is your girlfriend a long term government employee who owns her own house and has all her taxes up to date, or, is she a freelancer, massage or bar girl that does everything in cash?
agree my wife did 90% of the paperwork herself, little help from me and was all approved very fast. No agent needed unless you are just time poor. Does take a lot of paperwork.
My wife has her own massage shop. She does the books. Got a 6 month visa 2 weeks after application. She made sure her shop was registered and inspected by Public Health. Most aren't. There are thousands of visitor visas issued the Thais each year. It's easy to work out how much time VFS take. Not a lot of time. Likely the letter from the boyfriend/husband ruins things, because they don't understand you need to keep to the facts, and keep it concise. No one is going to read 4 pages of A4 from some bloke begging. Also, first time don't say she is coming for a 6 month holiday. Keep it to no more than 6 weeks. It doesn't make any difference on the length of the visa issued. And if she says she is coming for 6 weeks, make sure she goes home after 6 weeks.
it's ok to have an opinion. I see nothing wrong with that. Personally as a guy born in what one used to call the working class in Manchester and having left the UK aged 21 for the USA I think everyone can make their own judgements. I will say thar every timec I return to my homeland it's depressingly worse than I anticipated. Hence my living in Thailand.
At least this government is doing a better job than the last one with regards to illegal immigrants (not hard I suppose), for that we can at least be thankful.
where they doing a better job. The two storms that went across the UK are the only things to stop em coming. Get ya head out the sand starmer won't stop them coming it's more votes for the shits in the next election. And no I'm not a tory
prats like you standing up for a government who don't care for the elderly and our own homeless people living on the streets the list is endless.would of liked to see them cope with brexit and covid the country is doomed under labour they are now not working class as they use to be.
Would HAVE liked* No, it's people like you who don't understand the basic law the governments have to abide by when dealing with migrants, not your ' working class" man nonsense you read in the Daily Mail.
Any evidence of the alleged deportations in the press or media?
James *******
F me, propaganda!, he can't win! The actual law stopped the Rwanda scheme and why send them there if they can be sent back to their countries (Nigeria and Ghana) seems a bit odd? They can only try and fund border control (increased funding) and deal with European allies which the last government messed up totally.
probably the same 9000+that was being sent to Rwanda by t tories he he jumped on the wagon and got the praise just propaganda news after starmer and his lawyers blocked the deportation.and how many have cross the channel in the mean time
Do you guys think that I am taking it too far if I say King Charles would be overthrown by another house anytime in history EXCEPT for this time? He's unfit to rule and sit on the thrown.
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Us *****
Gary **********
Not easy a lot of hoops t jumps through and the requirements are ridiculous.
Werner ************
Henry *********
Not difficult at all. You can complete the application online on her behalf but she will need to attend the VFS office (in Bangkok or Chiang Mai) to get her biometrics taken. The key factor is showing that she has a genuine reason to return to Thailand after her visit - like a job. She does not need to have money. If you are sponsoring her visit, you will need to show that you have enough money to cover her trip and somewhere for her to stay.
this is the best answer so far. It’s been easy for my girlfriend ( now wife) for the last 7 years. She just proved that she had a respectable job to go back to as well as her elderly mother. No savings required on her behalf but I had to provide proof of funds to cover her visits. However we both agree that England has become an over priced, crime ridden,tax to the hilt shithouse run by imbeciles so shall be relocating permanently to Thailand next year
What more genuine reason would you need to return to Thailand after visiting the crappy UK 🤷🏽♂️ She’ll probably want to return as soon as she sees how shit it is.
well done, I’m sure you’ve done the right thing & I wish you well.
I myself also very tempted, I have long established & very genuine relationships I Thailand nurtured over 3 decades, but to live there permanently, may become problematic in older years.
Perhaps, but being elderly in the UK nowadays doesn’t seem to be a good outlook either. It’s probably a bit of a gamble living here, but my life in England was going nowhere. All I did was work to pay bills and found myself increasingly unhappy. What I love about here is that you can turn your dreams into a reality as things are much more affordable, such as land etc so I’ve started a small scale mushroom farm with the intention of expanding over the coming years. In England that was virtually impossible as the cost of land and setting up made it way outside of my budget. I’ve rented a rai of land at the back of our house for 10,000 baht per year on a rolling contract so a very small risk but the potential of creating a really good business. I was a plasterer in England so it’s a total change, but something I’ve always wanted to do all my adult life. Fingers crossed it works out.
My wife couldn't wait to go home. She liked England, thought it very beautiful, but too cold and the food was terrible. She knows it would be hard for her to get a job in the UK, and she'd have to give up so much in Thailand
parts of England are beautiful, but as a whole it’s a run down, over priced, over taxed island of misery and rising crime run by a bunch of absolute idiots. Thailand is so much better in nearly every way, and it’s far more beautiful than even the prettiest parts of the UK.
I can possibly see why you would say that. I live up in Issan and there are plenty of places that look like it’s a deprived area with people living in very basic homes that look more like cow sheds in some cases, but one thing that stands out is how people are generally happy. The house I live in is very basic, and I mean very basic compared to English expectations, but I have to say it doesn’t bother me in the slightest, I actually love this rural life. I am however doing improvements to the place bit by bit, but it’s not a deal breaker and there’s not been one moment I’ve thought to myself that I want to move to a fully westernised house with all mod cons.
I have as it happens but I still stand by what I said. No way would I swap here for anywhere in the UK. Only a Scot would do something crazy like that.
Parts of Thailand aren't great. My wife wanted to show me the factory zone outside of Bangkok where she used to work. It's mile upon mile of factories and crumbling worker dormitories. Quite a few shuttered factories, and I gather it's getting worse as the car makers pull out. All countries have their ups and downs. My wife was impressed by even the most mundane parts of the UK. Many things are a similar price. Thsiland needs to sort out its water and sewerage system. Thai people also suffer from high rates of heart disease. It also has a lot of issues common across Asia and in common with the UK.
Reply to
Andy **********
Sarick **********
To Thais, UK and US embassy are their worst nightmare. UK embassy will provide a personal essay to you explaining the denial reasons very clearly in case of disapproval
Not difficult if you have all the bits. Start collecting phots together outside hotels. Phots with her family. They need to know her reasons for needing to return after. Plan well ahead.
Sasi ************
Depends on her credentials.
Career, savings fund, tide to
Thailand etc.
Marshall ********
Go to thailand
Paul *******
Pretty easy.
The most difficult part is going to Bangkok for her fingerprints.
Just follow all of the instructions.
I also included a letter from my parents because we were staying with them.
Plus, I put 100,000 baht into her bank account about 1 month before the application.
I'm also living in Thailand on a retirement visa. Perhaps that helps?
I agree. Not that hard. My wife had been previously deported from Malaysia, years ago. She hawked her gold to get 100k in the bank. She rents a little shop that makes no money, but is properly registered as a business. 1 page letter from me, short and to the point, and full disclosure of prior travel history. I don't live in Thailand. Visa issued.
were the fingerprints required for a vacation visa?  I sent my girlfriend to do a vacation visa application and she never mentioned getting fingerprints done… I’m starting to think… You know
I know we’re talking about UK but my sister-in-law was refused a tourist visa for Australia. One of the ‘reasons’ they gave was that money had only recently been deposited into her savings account. This apparently indicates to them that she normally doesn’t have any!
My girlfriend's first UK visa was when her income was from her online business selling doll accessories. It was all through Instagram and Facebook and was far from "Stable" and she got the visa without me putting money in her account.
why did you put money in her bank account mate 🤔 You didn't have to as its you taking care of her in the United Kingdom they only look at YOUR money not interested in how much she have