I seen several of them that day. It was at the Pattaya Bangkok hospital. The best thing to do is look it up on line. They have them all over Thailand (Bangkok hospital).
They have a special once or twice a year on exam’s. You can pick the one you want. The cost deepens on what you want done,or if its for a family ect... you can’t go wrong.
I had a health screening done in Thailand. They did everything! Blood flow, ekg, kidneys function, everything you could imagine. This took like 4.5 hours for everything. At the end you meet with a doctor. He has all the test results in front of him in a book. He told me everything that was wrong with me. Same as the doctors in the USA had said. And I got to take the results with me. It was a very nice experience. So for you people who have never been to Thailand, don’t say anything.