, that's the point you don't have them figured out you have to work on them and change and adapters the goal post shift can be challenging but at least it's active and not passive participation. The members of another let's say $5,000 religions also have their own mumbo jumbo and believe that Allah is great and whoever is up there in the sky is taking care of them the spirits whatever you know it's a question of believing your own delusion but if it makes you feel better and it doesn't make you a bad person who am I to say anything about it
, in my defense I'm going to say that I didn't make a single comment until you told me to shut up until that time the only thing I said on the thread was that I agreed with one of the comments made by someone else about the viability of coffee shops I think I said you are right. That's all. My comments came after being told to shut up. I'm sure you can understand that now.